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Web Directions Summit

Leveraging the B2C Experience for B2B SaaS Startups

Virality is where an exceptional SaaS product generates strong customer engagement that converts to organic word-of-mouth referrals, which in return leads to viral growth. Virality success stories are common among B2C brands, however, they are more elusive among B2B products.

Learn how virality can be applied in the B2B context, how to position your SaaS product to have viral traits, and how to augment in-product virality with effective brand and marketing strategies.

Irina Smolina

Irina is a tech marketer with a wealth of experience in global SaaS startups, B2B companies, and the service industry. Her career has spanned across diverse international markets, including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, and Europe.

Her passion for life-long learning started with how to cultivate a strong foundation in branding during her time at Adobe, and she recently reached a milestone with the completion of her MBA at the University of Otago. Irina leads a marketing team at a dynamic SaaS startup based in New Zealand. She is passionate about SaaS product growth and improving acquisition, Go-To-Market, and content strategies.


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