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Web Directions Summit

How Embracing Complexity Can Deliver Award-Winning Content

Complex content includes content with complicated concepts and ideas, detailed information and specialised language. It can be challenging to put onscreen, as it can include scientific notation, underlying data, linked citations, tables and figures.

What do you do with content that has all of this and more?

The answer has often been to just put a simple introduction online, and put the detail in a downloadable PDF. But making the effort to present complex content in an effective website can significantly benefit users, allowing them to easily access complex material, develop a deep understanding of information, follow complex processes, and find and analyse data.

What does embracing complexity look like for content developers and digital teams? As users increasingly look for all types of content to be available digitally, knowing how to make complex content effective will be a key skill. Using the Australian State of the Environment report as a case study, we show you how to work with complexity, plan for complex content at the start of a project, and collaborate with digital teams to ensure the final web product is navigable, accessible and interactive for all users.

Kylie Evans

Starting in media liaison at UNSW and communications at the Vision CRC, Kylie developed her skills in translating dense academic information into simple language and stories of interest to the media and public.

Since joining Biotext in 2009, Kylie has written and edited complex content for many government and research clients, developing key skills in information design, writing for different audiences, and translating complex text into clear content.

One of her main roles is substantive editing and content design – rearranging and rewriting web or print content to improve flow, readability and impact. She has developed a high level of expertise in state of the environment reporting, having led the Biotext projects for the national (2021, 2016, 2011), South Australian (2013) and ACT (2015) state of the environment reports.


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