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Web Directions Summit

Unspoken Value of Design Systems

Walking through the journey Octopus Deploy is going through investing in a design system and the surprising ways it is helping our organisation mature.

Looking at how we developed an understanding of "What is a pattern?" vs "What is a component?" and how it's leveling up our design quality and documentation chops.

Exploring our internal processes & cultural shift required to manage a component library and how our engineers are embracing and resisting our design system with a federated management model.

Emily Pearce

18 years of building and designing experiences which have always lead me to be the translator between design and engineering. This is where design systems really shine.

I've worked under a few different role titles such as product manager, and head of design I've been able to guide experiences from their inception to maturity.

I am someone who cares about elevating a designer's role within companies and instilling a positive culture within our design function through embracing collaboration with a side of paper craft.


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