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Web Directions Summit

Designer to CEO – The Path Less Travelled

It’s rare to see a Designer in the CEO role. But what if this is actually a missed opportunity? What if the learnings and skills that we acquire as Designers are actually the perfect building blocks for business leadership – not just a seat at the table.

After a career spent building some of the most effective design teams in the world, Ross is now the CEO of one of Australia’s fastest growing startups: Kinde. He'll be sharing his thoughts on why Designers should consider launching their own business, and also look at roles at the executive level.

We’ll go deep on why the particular set of skills and tools that Designers have (from extreme empathy, to journey mapping and customer research) allow Designers to see the world a little bit differently, in ways that translate to massively transformative cultures and disruptive product visions.

Ross Chaldecott

Ross has more than 20 years of experience working in executive design leadership roles in global tech leaders and startups, most recently as Director of UX at Shopify. Previously he was the Head of Design at Campaign Monitor, and Senior Manager of UX at Atlassian.


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