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Web Directions Summit

Defending design: writing to influence

What happens to your work when you leave the room? What can you do to help others understand and use what you've designed?

It's not enough to do the work β€” we must also communicate about the work, and do that in writing. In this presentation by content strategist, writer and TEDx speaker Matt Fenwick, you'll learn a new way of approaching writing at work.

Matt Fenwick

Bringing more than 20 years' experience as a communications strategist, Matt is skilled in navigating complex domains and charting a path for a strategically coherent and user-centred approach. He is one of Canberra’s most respected communication and content strategists, with many projects that involved setting a new strategic direction for content, then building teams to implement that direction. Matt has worked across a host of Australian and ACT Government projects, across sectors ranging from law enforcement to health and investment attraction.


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