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Web Directions Summit 2023

Management doesn’t need Managers

When growing an organisation it is easy to follow established patterns for the organisational structure and end up with a situation with line managers, middle managers and executives. But when we did a comprehensive review of our organisation and culture, we found that most of our line managers loved mentoring and growing people, but struggled balancing that with the more administrative and managerial tasks like leave, reviews, recruiting and assigning work. And so we set out to overhaul our organisational structure into one where we have people dedicated to growing team members through mentoring and coaching and people solely responsible for organising and delivering work. This session is about sharing insights in why, what and how we did this change.

Wai Ling Ko

Wai Ling has been leading Agile delivery teams for almost two decades. Her passion is growing and developing teams that create solutions that makes a difference. She believes that building amazing teams starts with growing individuals by developing their strengths, talents & passion.

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