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Olga Zarr

Olga is an SEO consultant at SEOSLY. She is a technical SEO specialist and an SEO auditor with 10+ years of experience. She has so far completed 200+ in-depth SEO audits. She has experience working at the SEO agency, as an in-house SEO, and as an independent SEO consultant. Olga is an SEO geek totally addicted to SEO news and SEO podcasts.

Olga has completed SEO courses and degrees at universities, such as UC Davis, University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University. She also completed Moz Academy! And, of course, has Google certifications. She keeps learning SEO and loves it. Olga is also a Google Product Expert specializing in areas, such as Google Search and Google Webmasters.

Olga can be reached on Twitter @olgazarzeczna or via LinkedIn.


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