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Web Directions Code '23

WebAssembly - a hands-on guide for frontend devs

Katie Bell Co-founder SplootCode

Katie's 15 year career as a software engineer has been pretty darn fun. She was working on Google Docs before it was cool, and then she got to play with Google's huge scalable storage systems as a Site Reliability Engineer. Since then she's worked at Campaign Monitor, as a freelance developer for startups and a coding bootcamp instructor at General Assembly. Currently she's working on making coding accessible to everyone at SplootCode.

WebAssembly - a hands-on guide for frontend devs

WebAssembly is building in hype and capability, but only a select few web apps are actually using it. For some kinds of apps, WebAssembly has a huge impact on performance, but for the rest of us it can end up being added complexity. However, there's one unexpected place that WebAssembly is making its mark: Development tools.

Even for projects with no need for WebAssembly, it's worth learning about it, how it works, and how it can supercharge local development and collaboration.

Don't miss your chance to see Katie Bell and many other inspiring speakers at Code.

Tickets start at $1295.

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