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Web Directions Code '23 session spotlight–Evolving code at scale - Web Directions

Web Directions Code ’23 session spotlight–Evolving code at scale

30th March, 2023


Evolving code at scale

When you first start building a web application, it’s easy to write code and pull in the dependencies you need. What happens in 5 years (or 5 weeks) when the industry has decided what once was a super useful library is causing enterprise computers to become fire hazards?

In this talk, we’ll cover how we can modernise our code to the new dependencies we want, build tools and processes to migrate to new code, and avoid breaking things without moving too slowly.

Jake Lane

Jake Lane is a senior software engineer with over four years of experience. He joined Atlassian after completing his degree and has worked on several products, including Jira.

His particular interest lies in front-end performance and building tools that help make writing performance code easier at scale. He contributes to open source through his role and is the tech lead for the Compiled CSS-in-JS project on GitHub.


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