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Web Directions Code '23

Wait, my browser can do Bluetooth?!

Simon Hildebrandt Team Lead Equinox Ventures

Simon has been a web developer for almost two decades, but his restless love for coding roams over game development and embedded experimentation too. His Github account is littered with experiments varying from broken prototype to finished product, and his desk is littered with laser cut fragments, 3D printed widgets and custom circuit boards.

Being a Dad to Maisy and Alex, and a husband to Amanda, are the only things that trump technical meddling for him.

Wait, my browser can do Bluetooth?!

Browsers are becoming the new operating system for the applications we use on a daily basis, but hardware access has always been a barrier. Now, with direct access to the local Bluetooth stack, talking to local embedded devices just became radically easier.

Don't miss your chance to see Simon Hildebrandt and many other inspiring speakers at Code.

Tickets start at $1295.

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