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Web Directions Code '23 session spotlight– Beyond the browser: toward a more declarative future with WebAssembly - Web Directions

Web Directions Code ’23 session spotlight– Beyond the browser: toward a more declarative future with WebAssembly

15th March, 2023


Beyond the browser: toward a more declarative future with WebAssembly

Since its announcement in 2015 and the MVP release in 2017, WebAssembly as a framework has come a long way. Originally conceptualised to solve the plethora of problems associated with bringing more languages to the frontend, the WebAssembly movement has gained momentum and how! With applications that go beyond the browser, the Component Model is the direction that the Wasm ecosystem is moving in. What does this mean for us mortals? A more declarative approach while building software, better reusability & portability of the software thus developed, and of course, the ability to bring more languages to the web.

In this talk, the Divya Mohan will delve into the WebAssembly framework & the component model proposal for by discussing the motivations for their existence. With the help of analogies, the speaker will guide the audience through the various nuts and bolts of the proposal in detail. At the end of the session, the speaker aims to arm the audience with a working knowledge of the component model and resources to pursue further research and get involved in the Wasm community, should they wish to.

Divya Mohan

Anirudh Sharma is a Junior at Delhi Technological University with more than two years of experience in full stack development and cloud ecosystem. He is a Major League Hacking Fellow and a part of TensorFlow.js Working Group. He loves to share his knowledge and experiences through blogs and developer conferences. He is also an active open source contributor and is interested about everything around Web and DevOps.


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