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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

Securing the Web in 2018

Erwin van der Koogh Founder Bitgenics

JavaScript starting out as a way to make our web pages a bit more interactive, but over the past few years morphed into unmissable pillar of the web. But with it rise in popularity so have the attack vectors on our code.

Luckily there has been a lot of improvements into the security mechanisms available to us. Unfortunately almost all of them require us to take action.

In this talk we will go over all of the recent additions to the browser security stack and how you can massively increase the security of your site with relatively little work.

Erwin van der Koogh

Erwin is the founder of Bitgenics, a software development tool company focused on creating awesome tools to support developers to grow software. Their first two products, currently in development, are a hosting platform for Single Page JavaScript apps and a SaaS product to help scale serverless architectures.

Don't miss your chance to see Erwin van der Koogh and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product, design and engineering experts.

Register Now


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