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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

Compiling for the Web with WebAssembly

Alex Danilo Developer Advocate Google

WebAssembly is a fast, portable, compact, cross-browser binary format for compilation to the Web. It allows new types of applications and heavy 3D games to run efficiently in browsers. We'll describe what web assembly is, the problems it solves, the low level format and compilation tools available to try it out. In addition, the interfacing between compiled language modules and Javascript is explained.

Alex Danilo

Alex has spent over a decade on various W3C working groups developing the standards we all know and love, all while running a couple of start ups doing web engines for mobile and embedded markets. He now works at Google, spreading the good word about HTML5 and Chrome.

Don't miss your chance to see Alex Danilo and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product, design and engineering experts.

Register Now


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