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Web Directions Design 2019

Session Details

Keeping your living design system alive

Dominik Wilkowski People Director Thinkmill

Over the last 5 or 6 years design systems have moved from exotic to common place. But now you have a design system, how do you keep it alive, and hopefully flourishing?

Your Design system itself is only one small part of that. It needs a community around it. A collaboration model. You need to track its success. And documentation, lots of documentation. And a good deal more besides.

Dominik Wilkowski has been involved in bringing several large scale design systems to life, and seen what it takes for them to survive and thrive (and the things that can harm them or worse).

In this session he'll draw on those years of experience to help you ensure your design system prospers.

Dominik Wilkowski

Dominik is a developer who studied photography and art. He has been fortunate to have built a view design systems in the past including Westpac GEL and the design system for the Australian Government. Currently works as the People Director of Thinkmill.

Don't miss your chance to see Dominik Wilkowski and many other inspiring speakers at Design 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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