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Web Directions Summit 2022

Also available livestreamed

to be as accessible as possible we're live streaming Summit '22

Accessibility has always been important for us–whether it's a focus on accessibility on stage or for our speakers and attendees.

  • The last 3 years have changed so much for so many of us. Not everyone is ready, or able to get back to in-person events. Others find online conferences provide greater accessibility. So we'll be streaming Summit' 22, on our very own streaming platform Conffab.
  • Drawing on our lessons of hosting over a dozen online conferences in recent years, streaming attendees will be able to interact with in-person attendees, ask speakers questions, and feel a close as possible without being at the venue.
  • And we'll add a 12 month membership to Conffab, our streaming platform featuring hundreds of presentations from our conferences, and those of other organisers around the world.

Get a streaming pass, and watch on our conference streaming platform, Conffab.

Tickets start at $995.

Register Now

Code of Conduct

For over a decade, we've worked hard to create inclusive, fun, inspring and safe events for the Web Industry.

As part of our commitment to these values, we've adopted a code of conduct for all involved: ourselves, our speakers, our partners and our audience.

If you have any concern or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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