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How to Dominate The Market In Your Area (And Generate More Sales) - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Becoming the prominent home service business in your chosen market starts with dominating the online space in that area. Discover the five requirements to make that happen.

Shamrock Plumbing, a home service business operating out of Florida, was established by Mark Norman several years ago. 

At that time, he relied on advertising on the Yellow Pages to generate leads and sales. That’s because it was the main strategy of most businesses – and it worked well for them. 

However, things started getting difficult with time. 

Their market stopped relying on the Yellow Pages to find home service contractors. Instead, their market began turning to the internet. That’s why their lead flow dried up and their sales plummeted.

Fortunately, Shamrock Plumbing adapted to this change because Mark decided to create their own website. And to get sufficient traffic, he ventured into doing paid search.

This new strategy worked. They were generating loads of traffic, and that traffic gets directed to their website. But the problem was that their website was a generic one that wasn’t optimized for conversion. 

When we stepped in, we revamped their internet marketing. We optimized their website for conversion and implemented other marketing strategies.

These changes helped them dominate the market in their area. 

Today, Shamrock Plumbing’s revenue went from $250,000 per annum to $1.5 million per annum. And they no longer have a lead generation problem.

In this article, we’ll reveal the five requirements that they met that allowed them to be the prominent home service business in their area.

The 5 Requirements

Requirement #1 - Dominate Search Engine Listings

When people need a type of service that you can provide, the first thing they do is search for that service on Google. So, you want your home service business to show up on the search results first.

The key to that is to rank high for the right keywords on both Google Search and Google Maps listings. This is where implementing the right SEO practices will come in.

But that’s not all. 

You also need to run paid online ad campaigns. 

Think of them as an investment you make to put your business directly in front of your ideal customers. And this increases your chances to convert them into booked jobs. 

Requirement #2 - Retarget Prospective Clients 

Not everyone will call you when they visit your plumbing and HVAC business’s website. For some people, making that decision will take some time. 

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. After all, they’re already interested in your services – it’s just a matter of time before they call you back. But people tend to forget things. So, if you don’t give them constant reminders, they will soon forget about your business. 

That’s why you need to retarget them. 

This is a service offered by ad platforms like Google and Facebook. Once someone checks out your website, those platforms will ensure that they keep seeing you everywhere else. They’ll see you on their Facebook or Instagram feeds. And your ads will keep popping up on the websites that they visit. 

Retargeting makes it easy for a prospect to put you on top of mind. And when they finally need a service you provide, they’ll first think of your business. 

Requirement #3 - Get Listed on Paid Online Directories 

Think of online directories like Yelp,, and Angie’s List as modern-day versions of the Yellow Pages. And when people are in need of a service, they often check these websites to find businesses that can help them out. 

So, getting listed on these directories will make it easier for prospects to find you. 

But you have to do more than simply get listed on these directories. Ensure that your listing gives a clear and easy-to-understand description of your services. Add a valid phone number and other contact information. Also, include good ratings and reviews from past customers. 

Requirement #4 - Market to Your Database 

The typical home service business’s database consists of two groups:

  • Those who have indicated an interest in a service they provide 
  • Those who have used that service

This means your database is the easiest to market to. After all, if someone shows interest in your services, they’re likely to use that service in the future. And if someone already paid for a service, it’ll be easy to convince them to become repeat customers. 

By marketing to your database, you’ll have a good chance of getting more sales. An easy and effective way to do it is to send text messages and emails to your database consistently. That’s how you can convert the skeptical prospect or make an old buyer a repeat buyer. 

Requirement #5 - Leverage Client Reward Programs 

Have a program that rewards your customers for availing of your plumbing or HVAC services. For example, if they do repeat business, you can send them a gift in the mail, a discount coupon, or any other token that will make them feel special.

This makes them remember you. It also improves their customer experience and encourages them to refer your business to others.

Dominate the Online Space, Dominate the Offline Market

Decades ago, the Yellow Pages was the best tool to leverage for home service businesses to generate sales. But times have changed and the Yellow Pages have become obsolete. The internet is now the king.

That means if you haven’t made a mark on the online space, you’ll be left out by your competitors who do.

The good news is that it’s not too late. Start by making sure you meet the five requirements discussed in this article. Once you do that, you’ll become the dominant plumbing and HVAC business in your chosen market.Would you like to discuss further how you can generate more business? Schedule a time to chat with us. Pick a time that works for you now by going to

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