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5 Tips for Optimizing Your Website to Maximize Conversions - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Just because you’re getting plenty of website visitors doesn’t mean they’ll all become clients. You still need to optimize your home service business’s website for conversions.

A key concern among home service businesses is a low conversion rate on their website. Many of them struggle to convert the high website traffic they’re getting.

This was the problem that one of our clients, Laney’s, had. 

Based in North Dakota, the HVAC company was not getting sufficient leads from their website. But they were driving a substantial amount of traffic to it. 

We came in, had a look, and found out that Laney’s had a very basic website. It didn’t speak about their personality nor project them to be an authority in their area. So, we updated their website and made changes to optimize it for conversions. 

And the results were fantastic. 

Laney’s went from getting 55 calls via their website each month to getting 317 calls. After improving their SEO strategy, they began generating 930 leads each month through their website. A year later, this figure rose to 1,598. 

Such a massive change happened because they optimized their website for conversion. 

The reality is that your website now plays a big role in your whole operation. That’s because it’s the hub where all your traffic ends at, irrespective of how you generated them. As such, it pays to optimize it for maximum conversion.

This article will share five tips that will help you to do exactly that. 

The 5 Tips

Tip #1 - Speak to Your Target Avatar 

Think of your target avatar as the profile of your ideal customer. This is a customer who won’t need a lot of persuasion to become your client. They are easy to work with and will pay for your services. And also, they’ll willingly refer your home service business to others. 

To boost your conversion rate, you need to speak directly to this person. 

But first, you need to know who they actually are to create a message that speaks to them. Here are some questions that will help:

  • What are their pains? 
  • What are their fears and frustrations?
  • What are their goals?
  • What are their aspirations? 
  • Once you get the answers to these questions, you can craft a message tailored to them. This should reflect in every aspect of the site including your website copy, design, and calls to action (CTAs). 

    Tip #2 - Get The Basics Right

    Having the fundamentals in place is a basic requirement to have a website that’s primed for maximum conversion. This means having the following: 

    • A phone number that is clearly written and placed somewhere easily visible
    • A web form that people can easily fill out to contact you
    • Use social media icons that visitors can easily recognize as links to your social media pages 
    • Adding logos of reputable firms you’re affiliated with to your site to showcase credibility
    • A clear call to action (CTA) that speaks directly to your target avatar. These CTAs should also be placed strategically all over your pages.  
    • Videos and other multimedia to break blocks of texts
    • A fast-loading website

    These are just some of the basics that will improve the user experience of your plumbing and HVAC business website. It makes it easier for your visitors to learn more about your business and reach out to you to ask about your services. 

    Tip #3 - Be Authentic 

    The biggest reason prospects visit your website is to check if you’re not a sham business. That’s why your website should present you as real and authentic. 

    So, leverage multimedia. A real picture or video of you and your team goes a long way in converting visitors than stock images of a handyman. 

    You can also add a video addressing their biggest problems or one explaining each service that you offer. A video of you explaining why they should do business with you over your competition is also great. 

    Tip #4 - Have a Mobile-Friendly Version of Your Website 

    A huge chunk of online traffic these days is via mobile phones. That’s because most people now use their mobile devices to explore the online world. 

    As such, there’s a high chance that the majority of the traffic you get will come from people using their mobile devices. So, it's important that your website has a mobile-friendly version. This way, you can give them a great experience while they’re exploring your website.

    Tip #5 - Leverage Widgets

    Website widgets like live chat can help engage your visitors and make them stay longer on your website. Some even allow you to collect the contact details of your website visitors. You can then initiate a two-way text conversation to convert them into your client. 

    A management widget like HouseCall Pro will let visitors book your services right there on your website. There are other widgets that you can also leverage, like those that let visitors see your schedule and easily book an appointment. 

    Leveraging widgets can improve the user experience on your website. It’ll also make it easier to turn website visitors into leads and eventually clients. 

    Ready to Boost Your Conversion Rate?

    Your website is the hub of your internet marketing efforts. And if it isn’t optimized for maximum conversion, you’re wasting your ad money. 

    That’s why you have to optimize your plumbing and HVAC website for conversion. 

    A good starting point to achieve this is to implement the five tips mentioned in this article. Make sure you know who your target market is and speak to them. And when they finally get to your website, they need to have a great experience with it.

    Implement the five tips the right way and you’ll see a rise in website conversions soon.Would you like to discuss further how you can improve your conversion rate? Schedule a time to chat with us. Pick a time that works for you now by going to

    Get a Free Internet Marketing Strategy Evaluation

    If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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