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Web Directions Code Leaders

Session Details

How to manage Engineering managers

Stefano Fratini Director of Engineering Rokt

We focus a lot on being a good Engineering Manager, but often not so much on how to manage other managers. This presentation is about a simple framework to help engineering Managers who want to step up in more senior engineering roles.

Stefano Fratini

Stefano Fratini is a technology leader who specialises in highly scalable systems and distributed computing. But he also likes people, team management and how to get the best for everyone he works with.

Originally from Italy, in Australia for over 15 years now, Stefano has been an IC, manager, architect, manager of managers, then IC again in a start-up, then back into management now at Rokt.

Stefano lives in Sydney with his wife, 3 kids and a big cat

Don't miss your chance to see Stefano Fratini and many other inspiring speakers at Code Leaders.

Tickets start at $795.

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