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How Plumbing Nerds Grew From $1.9 Million to Over $4.3 Million in 2 Years - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Getting twice the revenue in your plumbing and HVAC business in a short period might already seem impossible. But one company proves that it’s not.

These days, plumbing and HVAC businesses invest in websites so they can generate leads and tap into their potential customers. But without the help of an SEO specialist, their investment in a website might just go down the drain.

And we’re not just talking about a one-size-fits-all SEO specialist. Partnering with an industry-specific SEO specialist results in a higher success rate.

How did we know?

Because our client, Plumbing Nerds, made the mistake of partnering with a generic SEO company. As a result, they got mediocre results. What’s worse is that they were not able to maximize their investment.

But why focus on the past, right? What’s important is that they’re now partnered with us, and they can’t be happier with the results they are getting.

See, we started working with Plumbing Nerds two years ago. And at that time, they were a $1.9 million company. 

Two years later, they’re now on track to becoming a $4.3 million company. That’s more than twice they’re getting back from 2 years ago.

What made the difference?

Well, one of the main keys was that we built them a website that’s designed to convert visitors into leads. This, in turn, made it easier to convert leads into customers.

Then, we implemented our industry-specific strategies to get great results. 

Keep reading to know exactly what we did to make these results possible.

Building a Website That’s Meant to Convert

You can have the best designers and web developers build the most perfect website for your plumbing and HVAC business. 

And you can even have the best website in the industry.

But the truth is that the job doesn’t end there.

The most beautiful website will still be useless if it isn’t designed to capture leads and convert them into clients.

And mind you, the cost of building a website is no joke. 

For that reason, the website should do its job. Otherwise, it’ll end up just being an online portfolio instead of a tool that’ll bring more business to your company. 

A good plumbing and HVAC website that’s built to convert will have the following:

  • Right conversion elements
  • Proactive SEO
  • Unique content
  • Title tags and proper headings
  • Optimized Google My Business listings and Maps 
  • Web references pointed to your listing
  • Strong emphasis on Google reviews from real customers
  • Strategic pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Strong social presence and email marketing

These are just some of the things that we implement on each of our clients’ websites, including Plumbing Nerds.

Strategic Pay-Per-Click Advertising and Precision Tracking

The truth is that anyone can run ads on Google. But not everyone will get a return on their investment on their ads.

Now, if you’ve looked into the idea of using online ads, you might have noticed that pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is expensive. 

When done right, you can get massive returns from it. Otherwise, it’ll just be another hole in your pocket.

This is where precision tracking is important.

If you don’t set the right conversion trackers, you’d think that you’re getting results. When in reality, you’re just getting page visits and nothing more. Remember that page visits don’t necessarily reflect your sales.

You also want to be knowledgeable on how to run a PPC campaign so you can maximize the return of your online marketing budget.

Another thing that you should keep in mind is your budget. 

As mentioned, running a PPC campaign can be costly because you don’t just do it for a day. You want to run it over a specific amount of time to give Google enough time to optimize the audience it gives to you

To recap, there are three fundamental aspects needed here:

  • PPC campaign strategy
  • PPC campaign expertise
  • Budget
  • There are a lot of considerations to be made when you’re doing PPC advertising. Especially if you want to get an ROI out of it.

    Yes, you may choose to try your hand at it by yourself. But the reality is that, unless you’re a digital marketing expert, it’ll take time before you can get the results that you want.

    Needless to say, if you’re thinking about implementing PPC advertising to your marketing strategy, it’s best that you work with experts. That way, getting results like that of Plumbing Nerds won’t be impossible. 

    And you’ll see that it’s one of the best investments you can make for your plumbing and HVAC business.

    Work Smart. Work With Us.

    If you don’t have a website for your home service business just yet…

    Or if you have one and you’re just not getting the result that you expect…

    Then, it’s about time we work together.

    Save yourself from typical marketing campaigns that yield low results. And fast track your company’s success by making use of online marketing to your advantage. 

    Know that if you have a subpar website for your plumbing and HVAC business, you’re letting a lot of opportunities go to your competition.

    It’s time to change that.

    When you get a website that’s built to convert…

    Before you know it, your phone is ringing more frequently than how it used to…

    And your revenue’s growing exponentially sooner than you expected. 

    We’re confident to say this because we made it happen to Plumbing Nerds. And we can also make it happen in your home service business.

    If you'd like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let's schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

    Get a Free Internet Marketing Strategy Evaluation

    If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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