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Web Directions Lazy Load

Workshop Details

Experimenting with Web Performance at the Edge

Tim Kadlec & Scott Jehl

Join Tim Kadlec and Scott Jehl as they performance audit a realworld site, identifying common performance issues and fixing them on the spot.

Free for all conference attendees.

Scott Jehl

For nearly two decades, Scott has worked at the intersection of creative design and front-end technology, leading design and development projects for some of the Web’s most iconic brands.

These days, he works as a Senior Experience Engineer on the WebPageTest team at Catchpoint.

Tim Kadlec

Tim is Author of a number of books on performance and Web design, Director of Engineering at WebPageTest and co-chair of the conference.

Don't miss your chance to see Scott and Tim and many other inspiring speakers at Lazy Load.

Tickets start at $195.

Register Now


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