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Act on Leads Faster and Convert More With ConversionAMP - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Losing leads to slow reaction times is an issue lots of HVAC and plumbing businesses have. But, our system can help you work your way around it! 

Like other businesses, you most likely use services like E-Local to get more leads.

With lead-generation services, you can schedule more calls and book more appointments. This, of course, cuts out a lot of the sales work you’d have to do if you weren’t using them…

Yet, here’s something you should know: 

Using lead-generation services doesn’t mean you’re going to book lots of appointments. 

You see, you’ll only have 30 seconds or so to close every lead that you get from HomeAdvisor or E-Local. 

If you don’t, at least five of your competitors are going to call the same lead and close it before you do. 

This puts you in a rat race of sorts—which means that you’ll have to negotiate to close a lead by either: 

  • Lowering your prices, or;
  • Offering more services than what a lead might pay for.

Of course, doing either of these isn’t sustainable for your business.

But, you probably don’t have the time or energy to call every lead you get in 30 seconds on your own (and this isn’t sustainable either)...

That is unless you have ConversionAMP plugged right into your operations.

With our tool’s features, you won’t have to call leads on your own and risk losing them altogether. 

Let’s look at exactly how ConversionAMP can help you act on leads faster and convert more:

Why “Speed to Lead” is More Important than Ever

If you want to solve your lead closing dilemma, then you’ll need to look at one thing: Speed to Lead. 

What “Speed to Lead” means is that the faster you can reach out to a lead, the more likely you’re going to close it. 

By showing that you’re available and ready to book in an instant, you won’t have to compromise so you can close a lead. And this is possible when you integrate automation into your sales strategy. 

To illustrate how important your lead response time is, here are a few statistics to look at: 

  • Velocify says… responding to lead within a minute can get you 391 percent more conversions
  • Zendesk says… Fast responders can win up to 50 percent of the leads or sales opportunities they get
  • This Xoombi report says… Sending emails at the right time can increase your conversion rates by as much as 49 percent

How ConversionAMP Helps You Act On Leads Faster

At this point, you might be reading all this and thinking: 

“How can I act on leads faster and get in that 30-second window every time?”

Well, this is where ConversionAMP comes in handy. 

Here are a few ways our system can help you automate your lead response process for more conversions: 

  • It integrates with other apps for a smoother conversion process.
  • One way ConversionAMP can help you react faster to leads is by merging with other applications.

    If you’re using other apps like MailParser and Zapier, you’d be pleased to know that it’s easy to use our system with them. 

    While ConversionAMP doesn’t collect leads for you, what it does is it works with the other solutions in your lead response system. This makes it a whole lot easier to smoothen out your conversion process so that:

    • You won’t have to change any apps just so ConversionAMP works with them;
    • You can see and monitor leads as soon as they come in, and;
    • You can easily set up different pipelines or funnels in just a matter of minutes. 
  • It consolidates all the information from your leads on one platform.
  • The most common problem plumbing and HVAC businesses have with using new systems is that they’re hard to work with.

    What we mean by this is that people spend too much time moving between platforms when they get a new program.

    This, in turn, means that they waste a LOT of time checking different websites and programs to track leads.

    But, this won’t be a problem when you use ConversionAMP.

    Our system grabs all the information from your leads (even if they come from different sources) and puts it in one place…

    And all you’ll need to do is just log into ConversionAMP and stay there—making it easier to close leads much faster.  

  • It uses automation so you can reply in 30 seconds, tops. 
  • Now, we’re talking about the big guns.

    With ConversionAMP, you can automate your replies and shorten your response time. How it does this is that it automatically sends out texts or emails within 30 seconds of receiving an inquiry or lead notification.

    Our system also makes it easier to send out different responses depending on the kind of lead you get. With this feature, you'll make your texts and emails feel more personal...

    Even if you’re not sending them yourself! 

    When you use our system, your lead response is going to look at little something like this: 

    • If a lead calls your number and you don’t answer, ConversionAMP will send them a text message to keep them in the loop.
    • If a lead tells you that “they’ll call you back”, ConversionAMP will send them an email showing them how to book a visit. 
    • If you have dozens of leads to follow up, ConversionAMP will touch base with them five to seven times via text. 


    Whenever you get a lead, it’s always important to respond to them within 30 seconds or less if you want to close a deal. Yet, the problem with this is it’s not always going to be practical or possible to reply this fast…

    But, this is where ConversionAMP can come in and be especially helpful. 

    By using our system, it’ll be a lot easier to respond to every lead that you get in an instant. And regardless of where you’re getting your leads from, ConversionAMP can deliver amazing results! 

    If you'd like to discuss how you can generate better results online let's schedule a time to chat. 

    You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

    Get a Free Internet Marketing Strategy Evaluation

    If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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