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How Air Comfort Services Ensured Consistent Growth (And How to Create a Marketing Plan That Will Do the Same For You) - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

To thrive in the current environment, any business needs a strong marketing plan. See what it takes to develop yours.

Air Comfort Services started working with us about three years ago. Before that, they worked with an agency that promised to help them succeed in the online world. 

Even though Air Comfort Services was among the largest HVAC businesses in their area, they had no online presence. So they expected the agency to deal with this particular aspect of their business.

However, the agency failed to deliver.

Luckily, we helped them turn this around.

Now, Air Comfort Services ranks on the first page in their area when it comes to their niche. And that’s compared to the 20th page before. It’s because they now have a solid marketing strategy that they’re executing with great results.

Over the past three years, the business has grown consistently by 5-9%. And their projected growth this year is 11%.

It’s safe to say that Air Comfort Services are well on their way to conquering their niche. And you can do the same, regardless of your current standing. All you have to do is to develop a marketing plan that will position you as the go-to business in your area.

How do you do this? 

Here are the steps that you should follow.

1. Get Clear on Your Goals

You may or may not be familiar with Brian Tracy. But you’re more likely to come across his famous quote:

“Success is goals. All else is commentary.”

Before you put any effort or money into your marketing, you must have crystal-clear goals in place. After all, you can’t progress very far if you don’t even know what success looks like for you.

Without goals, you might throw a bunch of money into marketing campaigns in the hope that they’ll work. You can expect that this approach is bound to result in waste and failure.

So, think about what you want to achieve with your marketing.

Is it more prospects? Higher conversions?

What you do going forward will largely depend on the answer to this question. Define a clear goal and the roadmap to achieving it will start to firm up.

2. Know Your Ideal Customer

Here’s another Brian Tracy quote that every business owner should live by:

“If you can see Joe Jones through Joe Jones’ eyes, you can tell Joe Jones what Joe Jones buys.”

In other words, you need to understand your customer and put yourself in their shoes. It’s how you can craft a marketing message that resonates with them and compel them to work with you.

Odds are, you’ve already worked with your ideal clients. Those are the clients who don’t object to your fees, cause any trouble, or make your job harder in any way.

So, what do those customers have in common?

To truly answer that question requires you to look beyond just the demographics. While they’re certainly a factor, it’s just on the surface level. You have to dig deeper and truly understand your customers, their pain, and their ideal outcome.

When you can visualize your perfect customer, your marketing becomes much more effective. Each message that you send out attracts more highly qualified prospects who would love to work with you. 

Build your ideal customer persona and you’ll have laid a solid foundation for successful marketing campaigns.

3. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

No matter what type of marketing you do, your website will have a lot to say about the campaign’s effectiveness. Remember that your website is the central hub to which all your customers arrive as a result of your marketing efforts. 

If the website can’t convert, your campaigns won’t be particularly successful.

Think of your website as a bucket. If it’s a strong bucket, it can hold a lot of water. But if it’s full of holes, water will leak out no matter how much you put into it.

With this in mind, the sheer number of leads coming to your website isn’t always a sign of how good your campaigns are. If your website keeps letting those leads out, you’ll end up wasting tons of money.

Because of this, you want to make sure that customers like what they see when they come to your website. That’s why you should give them all the information they need about working with you and show why you’re different from your competitors.

Make sure that your website helps you stand out from the crowd. If you do, each prospect that visits will be more likely to turn into a client.

4. Give Customers Multiple Ways to Engage

It goes without saying that your phone number should be clearly visible on your website. Ideally, you’ll put it in the top right or left corner of the page. You’re leaving a lot of money on the table if you’re not doing this.

But the thing is, not everyone likes to engage over the phone. Many people prefer to communicate via text messages.

So, is your website accounting for this? 

If not, you’ll want to make it one of your top priorities. You must give people multiple ways to engage with you and to do so most comfortably. 

For instance, you might want to have a web form that a customer can fill out and leave you their information. On top of this and your phone number, it’s crucial to make it easy for people to text you.

These three ways should cover almost all the ground. When people can choose how to reach out, they’ll feel more confident in doing so.

Ready to Level Up Your Marketing?

There’s a lot that you can do to position yourself well in the online world, which has become the very foundation of long-term success. 

Make no mistake – your competitors are going above and beyond to spread the word about themselves online. You’d better do the same if you want to rise above them.

Remember that it all comes down to understanding your customer. Once you know what they need, finding a way to draw them in will be much easier. So, build your marketing efforts around your ideal customer and you’ll see massive results.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

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If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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