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The Five Conversion Elements That You Need to Build Into Your Plumbing & HVAC Website Today - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Your website has one purpose alone: to generate as many conversions as possible. Here are the essential steps to take if you want to make that happen.

You can employ various strategies to boost lead flow and get more conversions. There's SEO, pay-per-click, local service ads, and social networks, to start with.

However, your website is the foundation of your overall internet marketing strategy. 

As such, it needs to be authentic and true to you and your company, painting the picture of your brand and the type of service you provide.

Optimizing your website is a crucial step in ensuring that it performs seamlessly and efficiently. But we often see companies in this industry make some common mistakes.

The main problem for many plumbing and HVAC businesses is that they're investing in various forms of marketing with a small return on investment. And the mistake here is that they're focusing on marketing and lead generation more than having a website that can successfully convert leads.

Now, this problem goes back to the vital role your website plays in your entire marketing strategy. 

Word of mouth, brand awareness, and advertising - these are all important aspects that require investments in time and money. However, every part of your strategy leads back to your website. If it doesn't have the power to convert those leads into revenue, all your marketing efforts will be in vain.

In this article, we want to share with you a list of conversion elements that every website should have to be as efficient as possible.

The Elements

Element #1. Always Speak to Your Target Avatar

Do you have an avatar?

You see, the number one thing your website needs to do is speak to your target avatar. This means you need to be very clear on who your ideal customers are and what needs and wants do they have. 

This is something many businesses get wrong.

Many plumbing and HVAC websites are very technical - they talk about everything related to the company, what equipment they use, why they're the right choice, and so on. They talk about all those things instead of actually talking to their customers. 

People who need your services are already annoyed that their plumbing isn't working. They're further concerned that the service will stand them up, causing them to waste a huge amount of their time. All the technical stuff won’t matter to them at this point.

It would be best to try to get into that person's mind and speak to them using every means available - your imagery, the copy, videos, and everything else on your website.

Element #2. Always Be Real

'Being real' refers to your site's authenticity, and it has much to do with your imagery. 

People want to do business with someone they know, like, and trust. And that's what they should see in your pictures. But the reality is that there are plenty of bland websites out there with equally bland stock photos - there's the stock smiling family, the stock technician, and other generic imagery. 

Looking at our clients who have the best conversion rates, we saw one crucial detail: 

Their websites always feature authentic imagery. They have real pictures of the owner, the team, and other people involved. 

This is undoubtedly the right way to go. Let your customers see that you're a real business with real people behind it and you'll create a higher level of trust. People will get the feeling that they know you a little bit, which will influence their decision to make the call and do business with you. 

Element #3. Leverage Some Social Proof

It's one thing to claim you're great at what you do, but it's something else when you have other people’s testimonials saying good things about you and your service. 

For that reason, you should take your reviews on Google, Yelp, and other services and feature them prominently on your website. 

The urge to check reviews and see what other people are saying about a service is one of the most powerful conversion factors. And if you have plenty of positive reviews, you should make sure to feature them on your site. 

There are other credibility symbols you can leverage. For example, adding that local Chamber of Commerce or school league badge to your website will help people feel confident in your professionalism and reliability - they see you’ve worked with such important institutions. 

Element #4. Build a Chat Function Into Your Website

Today’s consumers often prefer to get in touch by text messaging over the phone. That’s why most modern websites have incorporated a chat function to make that initial contact easier and more likely. Your website should have it, too.

If you can get to the place where your customers can easily jump into chatting with you and book a job with no complications, it will likely have a significant impact on your conversion rates. 

However, you don't have to stop at the chat function. Why not allow people to schedule right on the website?

Element #5. Give Them At Least Three Ways to Convert

The more conversion options you have on your site, the easier it will be for your customers to get in touch. That’s why we recommend having at least three available options.

The first is the traditional phone call. While it might not be as efficient as it once was, it shouldn't be completely disregarded.

The second option is the one mentioned above - chat. 

Finally, the third option is letting customers book an appointment within your dispatch system. Once people pick the day and time, you can have your team call to verify or reschedule. 

Create a Conversion Machine

Optimizing your website for conversions is a crucial step in your marketing campaign. Do it right and you'll create more opportunities for getting new clients. 

If you introduce all of the improvements correctly, it will be a matter of time before more calls start coming in.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

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If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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