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4 Tips For Setting Up Your Website to Increase Conversions - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Every plumbing and HVAC company’s website has the potential to become a powerful tool for conversion. Discover how you can do just that. 

A website is one of the most powerful marketing tools that plumbing and HVAC businesses can use today.

When built and used right, they can help businesses engage with more potential clients. Not to mention increase awareness about their services. That way, they can solidify themselves as the best plumbing or HVAC business in their area.

But if there’s one thing that websites are especially great at, it’s getting more conversions.

A proof of this is what one of our clients experienced. 

See, Laney’s is a plumbing, HVAC, and electrical contractor in Fargo, North Dakota.

And when they came to us, they were already pretty well-known and had a strong place in the market. 

They also had great branding. 

But when it came to their website, Laney’s was barely getting any results.

The culprit? 

Their website wasn’t built to convert.

The pages didn't have any personality. This meant that their website didn't give people a compelling reason to choose their services.

So, we tweaked their website so it’s set up for conversions. 

And Laney’s went from getting 55 to 310 calls in one month as a result.

So, if you want to see even more results from your website, then you need to set it up for conversions.

Keep reading because you’ll discover four tips to help you do just that.

But first…

Investing in a Website That Converts

So now, you know that a website can potentially lead to more conversions for your business.

But before that happens, you’ll need to set it up right.

As you know, websites are marketing tools that cost money to put together. This means that, at the end of the day, they’re investments.

And like anything else that you invest in, your website should give you great returns, right?

But the reality is different.

Many plumbing & HVAC businesses do invest in their websites but are unable to maximize them. Worse, they find themselves struggling with low ROIs. That’s why they end up thinking that having a website is not a worthwhile investment for their business.  

We can see from Laney’s example that the truth is that it’s the opposite. Because if you can set up a website that converts, it becomes easier to boost your profit.

The 4 Tips

Tip #1. Make Sure That Your Website Speaks to Your Ideal Customer

At the end of the day, the people who come to your website will make a decision: 

Should they hire your business for their HVAC and plumbing needs or not? 

So, if you want your website to convert more, then you’ll need to make sure that it speaks to your customers. 

But before you start making changes, here are some questions you need to ask yourself first: 

  • Who's my customer? 
  • Who's the customer that I actually want to work with?
  • What are my customer’s fears and frustrations? 
  • Why should they choose my company instead of our competition?

Once you answer these questions, it becomes easier to tailor-fit your website so that it really speaks to them.

Keep in mind that you’re speaking to someone who’s not that familiar with the technicalities of the industry. So, make sure your messaging isn’t full of technical terms they will hardly understand.

Tip #2. Use More Video and Multimedia

There are two things that will help your plumbing or HVAC business’s website convert more:

  • Video
  • Multimedia.
  • The reason why these two things work well in getting more sales is that most people are visual learners. This means that they’re much more likely to book an appointment or call you when they watch something informational instead of reading about it. 

    Now, if you want to convince your market to get your services, then you’ll need to use more video and multimedia on your website. Showcase things like: 

    • Videos for each of your services
    • Videos welcoming visitors to your website and explaining what you do
    • Pictures or diagrams of important information (such as basic guides or statistics)

    Once you start using more videos and multimedia, you’ll keep visitors on your website for longer. And when people stay longer, the more likely they are to book an appointment and get your services. 

    Tip #3. Leverage Social Proof

    A simple, yet effective tactic that leads to more conversions is to start leveraging social proof. 

    This includes putting out client testimonials and positive reviews on your website. You can even post content, like articles about the successful plumbing or HVAC projects that you’ve done. 

    As simple as it may seem, adding all these things to your website goes a long way.

    See, while your website may be nice to look at and easy to find, it won’t convert if it doesn’t give people a reason to trust you. And one of the most effective ways to get their trust is to show proof of successful jobs you did.

    Once you start leveraging social proof on your website, you’ll see upticks in your conversion rates in no time. 

    Tip #4. Automate Your Responses and Lead Flow With ConversionAMP

    Now, if you REALLY want to take your website’s conversion rates to the next level...

    Then it’s the perfect time to look into using ConversionAMP. 

    With our tool, you can outfit your website with a marketing automation system that’s easy to set up. Once you have it on your website, you’ll be able to reply to every inquiry and lead you get in record time. 

    ConversionAMP’s system works great for getting more conversions because it has all the tools you'll need to reply to customers in an instant. With features like automatic text messages and drip follow-ups, it becomes easier and faster to convert leads.

    Turn Your Website Into A Conversion-Generating Machine

    Your website is a useful tool that can deliver heaps of profit for your HVAC or plumbing business. Yet, it needs to deliver as many conversions as possible if you want to see a big return on your investment.

    But, here's the great part: 

    Any website can put out more conversions when it’s built right. 

    This is why once you implement the tips mentioned above, you’ll have a website that’s built for conversions. 

    If you'd like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let's schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

    Get a Free Internet Marketing Strategy Evaluation

    If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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