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How To Maximize Your Lead Flow With Google Ads & PPC - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

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Are you interested in maximizing your lead flow? In this video, I'll share with you the secrets to maximizing your lead flow and how Google Ads can help. Here's just a sample of what we we covered on this webinar:

What You're Going To Learn

  • Discover how the Google Ads engine works - You have to understand how the AdWords auction process works if you intend to succeed with paid search - quality & relevance is the answer.
  • The secrets to maximizing quality score - In order to drive lower cost per click & ultimately, lower cost per lead - ad groups, the right keywords, compelling text ads, site links & strategic landing pages are critical.
  • Proven examples that you can swipe & deploy - We will share our proven winners as it relates to keywords, ad groups, text ads & landing pages.
  • KPIs & how to track them - You should not invest a penny into AdWords or any other form of paid search without the proper tracking in place to gauge your cost per lead.

Discover how to drive more leads & sales with Google Ads. PPC is the key to unlimited scalability in terms of lead flow for your Plumbing or HVAC business. With Paid Search, you have a lever that you can switch on demand to increase traffic & calls into your plumbing and/or HVAC business.

Connect With Josh


Click here to view the video transcript:

All right. Hello, and welcome. Thank you so much for joining us on today’s session, we’re going to be talking about how to maximize your lead flow with PPC and Google ads. And I’m sure like, if you’re on this session, you’re the owner of a plumbing hpac home service business, looking to generate more leads, and you’ve probably tried a lot of the different things whether it’s SEO, or pay per click or home advisor or local service ads. But how many of you currently are running Google ads? So just give me a one in chat if you’re running Google Ads at some level? This so I know. We got some ones coming in. Megan emsi, Robert max. Okay. So we got we’re running Google ads. How many of us have tried Google ads in the past two, if you tried Google ads and just didn’t get a good return on investment, you felt like you spent the money, but the ROI just wasn’t there, you had to stop? Maybe it was because you did it on your own, or you had an internal company. Or maybe you use one of the bigger companies, like reach local or yodel, or one of these organizations somewhere. Yeah, that’s what that’s what I find a lot of times, we, you know, we you know, unfortunately, in this industry, plumbing and HVC companies specifically have kind of you guys have been through the wringer. Right, you’ve tried these services, they didn’t quite work out, right. At some level felt like you were just burning, burning cash. So we’re going to talk about that today, we’re gonna talk about how you can really dial in your pay per click campaigns, and whether you want to try and manage it in house or have a third party management, like like us, really give you the insights that you need to ask the right questions to know that’s being tracked correctly, and to give you a scalable solution. So give me a one in chat. If you feel like that would be a good outcome, if you could walk away with some good insights to generate better results. And like just really clear on what you should be looking at and what you should be looking for. Excellent. All right, got some new ones coming in. Awesome. So we’re on the same page. I want to start by saying Pay Per Click is really part of your overall internet marketing strategy. When you think about all the things you can and should do to generate leads for your for your business, or you get your website, you’ve got SEO, you’ve got pay per click, you’ve got you know, retargeting and pay per lead services, you get the paid online directories. And that’s kind of what this visual represents all of the things you can do to really maximize your lead flow online. And at the beginning of the year, I did a session called your 2021 internet marketing plan. And it really unpacked all of these things and kind of thinking you want to be drawing from my diverse set of sources to generate leads and sales for your for your business. Today, we’re gonna focus on number two, right, really amplifying our lead flow with with Google ads, I just want to make sure we’re all clear. This is part of your overall digital marketing strategy. So a couple of housekeeping notes, just a couple of things, I’ll say right out around the the gas gates, turn off your cell phones, close your other tabs, we’re all getting used to doing virtual meetings and being on zoom all throughout the day. I don’t know about you. But I’ve got three screens. And I’ve got you know, ones open with my slack messages and others open with my Facebook and email, what I want to encourage you to do a close those other tabs kind of concentrate on this, we’re going to try and go less than 45 minutes to an hour so that you get really clear, concise insights that you need. So if you can just shut all those other distractions out and focus on this, I promise you, it’s going to be a good use of your time. So here’s what we’re going to cover, we’re going to talk about why PPC is really the ultimate key to scalability. In terms of your lead flow, I’m going to show you some live examples of PPC campaign generating five to 15 times return on investment for plumbing and HVC companies. I’m going to talk about how to properly set up and structure your pay per click marketing campaigns for the lowest cost per click, but more importantly, for the maximum return on investment. And then we’ll look at the actual KPIs tracking landing pages and campaign structure that you want to make sure that you have in place. Give me a


in the chat, it will be helpful to see some real examples of this stuff. So it’s one thing for me to go slide by slide by slide here. Yes, it’s good to see okay, this is a real HVC company, a real plumbing company. This is kind of how we structured it. This is the landing page. Awesome. I found that, you know, as I’ve been doing this over the last couple of years, people like that they like to see the real data behind the behind the results. And if you stay in it again, and I’m going to give you an ethical bribe, we are doing this live so as you can see, you’re seeing me I’m answering your questions. This is happening live in the moment, and I want to give you an ethical bribe to stick around throughout the course of the session so you get the ultimate outcome. A couple things, I’m going to give you the ultimate online marketing checklist, which is a one page checklist that looks at your entire internet marketing strategy will help you find the things that you need to focus on. Next, I’m going to give you our list of the most commonly searched plumbing nhbc related keywords based on search volume based on search intent that you can use in your internet marketing, your pay per click your SEO strategies and campaigns. And I’ll give you a visual of this digital dominance method. So just type fare in, in chat if you think that’s a fair ethical bribe to say, Look, I’m gonna give you this stuff. If you stick around, right, so I’m gonna give you the link at the very end of the session. Alright, Yana says fear. Alright, everyone thinks this is fair. Fantastic. Okay, so who am I? Why should you listen, I’m the author of The Complete Guide to internet marketing for plumbing and HVC contractors and how to triple your sales by getting your internet marketing, right. I’m an active member of phcc que se a CCA, lots of my articles have been published in the various industry magazines and publications. We are Google certified partners, we manage well over $4 million annually in Google ads for local plumbing and HVC. Companies are more important than any of that stuff is at this point, we’ve worked with hundreds of plumbing HVDC companies and some of the most competitive markets in the United States and been able to help them dominate their local markets generate hundreds of leads via the internet on a monthly basis. And so what I’m going to be sharing with you on this session isn’t based on theory, it’s not based on an AdWords book that I read somewhere, it’s based on the actual experience working with home service companies just like yours, and what’s actually working right now in the in the current moment. And this is what we do here at at plumbing, ah, fake SEO, my this is my company plumbing in echeck. SEO, we’re on a mission to help 1000 plumbing HVC companies triple their sales by getting their internet marketing, right. And so this is what we do if at some point in this process, or at some point down the road, you’re like, you know what, this sounds awesome. But I’d rather just have these guys do it for me and generate the results, we’d love the opportunity to connect up Christian is on this session. He’s our Director of Business Development. If you’re interested, you can ping him or just put in chat, hey, let’s schedule a quick time to meet it would be a low pressure, no obligation, we’ll review your paid search campaigns, we’ll review the current setup and be able to tell you, hey, look, here’s what we would do differently. And here’s what it would look like if we did miss this together. So Christian already put his link in the chat. If you want to schedule a time, after these sessions, his calendar gets pretty filled up. So you might want to jump on that and just grab a time sooner than later.

So let’s start

with that. The big question that we should all be asking, which is should PPC even be part of my internet marketing strategy? Right? Couldn’t I just lean on SEO? Right? Could I just do SEO and have that generate all the leads that I need? Or Could I just buy all the local service ads and call it a day? And this is a question you want to think through? You want to kind of answer this in your own mind. Because Because it is important. And when we look at all of the different things that we could should potentially do to generate leads and generate sales for our for our business, PPC, I’ve gotten the number two spot. And there’s a reason that if there’s a reason that it’s listed in that priority. So here’s why in my mind why pay per click is kind of mission critical. Something you absolutely want to be be leveraging. First of all, it gives you the opportunity tunity to show up quickly. Unlike SEO like like, and we’re an SEO company. So I’m a big fan of SEO, we’ll talk about that. But unlike SEO, with SEO, we got to build a website, we got to write content, we got to build authority, we got to get links, we got to get citations, we’re going to build up reviews. There’s a big gestation period. Right once we start doing SEO, it builds up over time, and it has a long outcome. what’s beautiful about Google Ads is that we can set up a campaign right now in the moment we can set up some landing pages that speak to the target customer and we can start generate generating in the moment buyers are in the moment people that are looking for our services and start to generate sales more quickly.

So if you could just

quickly in chat if you get that like yes, this is a faster mechanism than waiting for SEO or trying to do the other mechanisms that might not be as fast. Number two is it gives us the opportunity to show up as often as possible where the customers are looking. When we run a Google search right now we type in you know hv AC contractor near me. If we’re well optimized, which I think a lot of us are if we’re on this, on this on this training what Maybe we come up on maps, maybe we show up with a Yelp listing down there an Angie’s List listing. But we want to dominate the page when someone’s typing a search on their phone or on their desktop for your service, we want to show up in the paid results, we want to show up in local ads, we want to show up in the maps, we want to dominate the page. And so if we’re not taking advantage of Google ads, if we’re not running Pay Per Click campaigns, we wouldn’t have that spot. Right. So we want to we want to saturate the market. Also, no matter how good your SEO strategy is, you’re not going to show up for all of the different keywords and permutations that somebody might type in when they’re looking for your plumbing HVC or home service related services. However, with Google ads, we can find the gaps we can find like the specific plumber or plumbing, plumbing company plumbing company in my market, AC repair indoor air quality, we can make sure we’re showing up for all of the different keywords, what our customers are looking on. And what I really love about pay per click and really why I think it should be part of your overall internet marketing strategy is that it gives you unlimited scalability like it gives us the ability to say we’ve got a new truck, we’ve got another technician, let’s increase the budget right and let’s generate more traffic. Let’s do a more phone calls. let’s generate more leads that can lead to booked and dispatched jobs. Unlike, you know, some some of the other strategies let’s let’s just say SEO, sometimes it takes a while because I got a new truck. Okay, let’s let’s ramp up our content. Let’s ramp up we’re gonna link building, we can’t just flip a switch and ratchet it up. We’re with pay per click, we can say let’s increase the the budget. Let’s expand the service here. And let’s open up the amount of keywords we’re showing up for there’s plenty of searching happening every day, lots of searching, there’s people in every single market across the I think especially the big markets, plumbing HVC companies investing north of $50,000 monthly in pay per click. So we know there’s lots of search volume happening. And as long as we’ve got our metrics dial, then we can just increase that budget and know that we’ve got the demand that we can tap into. Give me a one if that makes sense. If that kind of like these are the reasons I think that Google Ads should be part of the overall strategy. Yep. Okay, I got some ones coming in. Fantastic. Thank you for engaging with me, guys. I do like engagement. And so if you’ve got questions as we go type them in, I see Christians been answering some of the questions as well.

So that being the case,

why do so many Pay Per Click campaigns


You know, if I if I talk with 10 plumbing and hpac business owners about their experience with Pay Per Click over the years, usually it’s only like, eight or nine of them will tell me Yep, I tried it. It didn’t work out great. I felt like I wasted a lot of money. And I know that when I asked the beginning asked, you know, give me a two in the chat. If that’s been your experience, a lot of you did. So if Pay Per Click can be so effective. Why do so many campaigns fail. And I really believe that it boils down to number one, it’s a failed to understand the Google Ads auctions process, and the complexity of the plumbing and HVDC. Industry. By that, I mean, a lot of us, and a lot of marketers have been conditioned to think, alright, it’s an auction process, all I have to do is pick the word plumber, plumbing, drain cleaning, water heater, repair, air conditioning contractor, and then outbid the competition. How many of you have have like thought that in the past, give me a one, if you think it’s just about you out bidding the competition for any given term, I know that that’s the common goal I get is called pay per click advertising. So you think whoever bids the most is going to get the most clicks. So some ones, the reality is there’s an there’s a there’s a process that Google is looking at, to find out the relevancy and the quality of the ad and the landing page. And so if we just think that it’s about the highest bid, and that’s how you’re you’re approaching it, if you’re doing yourself or how your agency is approaching it. They’re not fine tuning for the AdWords auction process, the Google Ads auction process, and so you wind up paying more per click the reality is, and I’m going to show you how to do this, if you can really dial in the the quality score of your ads and your landing pages and everything else, you can actually pay less per click and still have a top three position, which puts you in position to pay less to still get the preferential placement and generate more leads. So a lot a lot of agencies unfortunately don’t they don’t grasp that and they don’t they don’t put that into their their strategy. The other thing is, is not understanding the complexity of plumbing and HVC. So somebody that doesn’t specialize in this industry would think, alright, you’re a plumber, I know exactly what to do, I’m going to bid on plumber and plumbing and plumbing company near me. And that’s like the short and the long of it, they just, that’s all there is to it. But when you start to think about the industry, and you realize, well, there’s lots of sub services that you guys offer that are more relevant that your customers actually typing in, they’re looking for Drain Cleaning, they’re looking for Water Heater Installation, they’re looking for clogged pipe, they’re looking for repiping, right. And so if we can understand there’s not one or two keywords, but there’s more like 150 keywords relevant to plumbing and hv AC. And we can specifically target those keywords with a different approach in terms of the text ad and the landing page, we can be significantly more relevant. And again, I look at 10 plumbing hpac Pay Per Click campaigns Google Ads campaigns, I usually see it’s very generic because they didn’t understand whoever set it up didn’t understand the complexity of the industry. Give me a one just in comments. If that distinction is clear, there’s more to it than just bidding at the top. And there’s more complexity than just three keywords relevant to plumbing, an hv AC, awesome, yeah, if you if you get that, right, let’s get more specific,

you can absolutely position yourself differently and get better results with with Google ads. So the reason most campaigns fail is because whoever it is that set it up, I set up one ad group for basically all of the services. So I’ll talk about I don’t want to get to tech, but I’ll talk about the tech, like the the technical aspect of setting up your campaigns. If you set up one ad group, and you put all your keywords in there, plumbing, plumbing, drain cleaning, Water Heater Repair AC installation, then you’re going to have a low quality score. And that’s going to mean you’re going to have to pay more for every one of your clicks to drive the traffic. Number two is we don’t whoever set it up for you didn’t use this specific text ad for the keyword or the ad group that they typed in. And I’ll talk about the different ad groups you want to structure. But the reality is if someone typed in Drain Cleaning, that should trigger an ad that says Do you have a clogged drain that speaks specific to that, and when they click on it, it should take them to a page on your site that talks about Drain Cleaning, hey, we’re the specialists in Drain Cleaning, we’ve got someone that can come out to your house today and get it resolved. Right. Getting that specific makes a big difference, not just in your quality score. But it makes a big difference in how well it converts the actual visitor that pulled it up on their phone to click the phone number and call you guys to schedule a service call. So you know, this is why most campaigns fail. And then to take it one step further, is 95% of landing pages that I look at, for plumbing HVC home service companies have no no call to action or strong offer. It’s just here’s my phone number, we do plumbing, give us a call. Right now, what we want to do is we just paid and we probably paid 1617 bucks to get that click, we want to make sure that our text ad was as relevant as possible our landing page was as relevant as possible. And that we gave them a compelling reason to pick up the phone and call right now some type of special offer or incentive to track the call give me a yes. If this makes sense. We’re gonna unpack this in depth as we go. But if you know just these little distinctions or clears like okay, there’s some little things we could do that can make a big, big difference. Okay, good, good. Good. All right. So I’m not talking to tech, you know, as long as this is, is making sense. So this is why most most campaigns fail. We’ve got a plumbing, emergency plumbing, garbage disposal, repair repiping, leak detection, all the different things that your customers are typing in. And we’re don’t have algorithms for but Worst of all, we’re landing it right on the company homepage, nine times out of 10. This is the case, right? Because big companies working with lots of different industries don’t understand the complexity of plumbing, they don’t understand that somebody’s looking for septic, we’re looking for indoor air quality we’re looking for in a furnace repair is in a completely different mental space than if they just typed in plumbing in general. So I’d love to hear from you guys. We’re gonna get into this more, but like, what were a couple of your takeaways just in the chat. What were some takeaways or some things you’re like, aha, that you’re like, Okay, I get that. That makes a difference. Just a couple of takeaways for me and we’ll keep pressing towards want to make sure this is landing for you guys.

Be specific with the search terms. Don’t put too many keywords in one ad group. Absolutely. setup is important when it comes to Doing these campaigns, dial in the quality of the landing pages. And the ads is key, says Lisa. Perfect. David says call to action buttons is definitely something I’m interested in. Excellent. Okay, good. Thank you guys for engaging with me. I just like to make sure I give you a minute to let this sit and to make sure we’re talking the same language. The next question I usually get is okay, Josh, I see. So there’s some things we could change with campaign structure that might make a difference on but the question probably still on your mind, and I know it’s on the line of a lot of citizen can you really drive a return on investment with with Google ads, I just want to share a couple of examples here. So one of the companies we work with is Cardinal hv AC, and they’re their plumbing, hv AC, with a heavy emphasis on the HV AC side of the equation. And I just want to show you so we track for our clients, how much do they spend? And we track how many leads do they get? How many phone calls, how many web submissions, what’s, what’s the result that’s being generated. And so here’s Cardinal, you can see they’ve got a total investment in their overall internet marketing strategy of $12,000 per month, so 12 grand per month, that’s SEO that’s pay per click, that’s local service ads, everything in between. And we were able to track for that investment. 936 leads, so 936 leads divided by 12 grand is about $12.82 per lead. Time good in chat, if you feel like that’s pretty good. You’re like, hey, what if we could get $12 leads? I’d be pretty happy camper. Just a good. Yep. So that’s from from their overall internet marketing strategy. We like to see like, how many of those came from Google Maps, how many of them came from organic, how many came from pay per click, so we can see here 387 from Google Maps. So obviously, we want to be focused on on Google and the map 223 from organic, that’s people, you know, clicking the organic listings and getting to the page. And then 224, specifically from Google ads. And so let’s look at that, let’s what kind of near went on that. And that’s that that’s the the lever that we can scale. Because there’s a there’s a point of diminishing returns with SEO, like where we can get rank for certain keywords, we can get ranked on the map. But we can’t rank for an infinite number of terms like we can, with Google ads, where we can pick keywords, we can get specific, we can drill down. And so looking specifically at their ads campaign $9,000 in in Google adspend generated 224 leads for an average cost per lead of $40.23. And what we found is, if you can spend less than, you know, less than $90 per lead with HVC, you can actually do really, really well. If you’ve got a you know, good dispatcher that’s getting you know, the text dispatched down in a good selling tech in the home, you can really monetize at that level. So I just want to break down the metrics here. So 224 leads with a conversion rate of about 40% results in 59 book jobs, average ticket 750 that’s on the low side and HVC I’m just giving you some round numbers here. 89 book jobs, that math is on 89 book jobs at 750. Average is $67,000 in revenue, that’s a projected return on investment of eight times. So there’s an example of like when we get this dialed in, we can get a great return on investment from Google ads. That’s gonna show a couple examples at the beginning you guys said you did want to see some examples It was good to see examples and kind of prove the data before we look at the specifics. Here’s a company we work with here in Miami my my part of the world Miami for their name is Falcon plumbing. And we can see here $6,000 spend 444 leads $14.28 per lead 237 of those leads came directly from Google Maps. So we can see I mean directly from from Pay Per Click so on a $3,842 Google ad spend to generate 237 leads for an average cost per lead from Google Ads of just $16.21. So I want to break break down the the numbers on this. And I think a 40% conversion rate is you know you could do better

I’m sure a lot of you guys are like I could do I could do better than that. On Tour 37 leads 40% conversion rate gives us 94 book jobs, average ticket 550 in plumbing again, some of you guys are much higher than that. So 94 jobs at a 550 averages $51,000 in in booked revenue, this is just on the single single transaction gives us a 13 time return on investment $3,843 divided by the 50 51,000 in revenue is a 13 time return on investment. And so I can go through example, after example example like this, um, but I just want to make the point and I sent some videos in advance of this webinar sharing, I think it was 10 examples of PPC campaigns generating a five, five return on investment, or better. So if you didn’t see it, you want to go back and look at it, check it out. When you get this, right, where you have the right organization helping you to build the strategy and run the campaigns, you can get a very consistent, measurable return on investment with the ability to scale it up as you add trucks and as you grow, because I think one of the biggest opportunity costs for you guys, is when you do have a technician, because finding technicians Would you agree is the hardest part of this business, give me a one, if that’s your biggest challenge of finding technicians getting them trained, getting them in place, I normally get a lot of ones here. Yeah, that’s, that’s really like one of the biggest issues. So your big your big opportunity cost is if you have technicians that are sitting idle, they may potentially hop to the competition, because they’re not making as much as they need. Knowing that you’ve got a mechanism to turn up the volume whenever you need to, to generate the leads, you need to keep those technicians busy, is really what it’s all about. So let’s talk about how to set up and structure your pay per click marketing. So we can get the lowest cost per click or the lowest cost per lead while still maximizing our return on investment. So here’s here’s how we want to structure it. First of all, you have to have conversion tracking in place. So what is what does that mean? It means that when somebody clicks on to your ad from Google ads, and they go to your page, and they call your office, or they submit a form that has to be tracked as a conversion, because we can optimize for conversions. This sounds commonplace, it sounds obvious, but most agencies don’t track it that level. They’re just tracking how much it’s just been, how many leads Did you get, but they can’t track back to which keyword and which campaign actually generated the lead. And so it’s really, really important that the extra work on the setup, and the extra work in the conversion tracking is in place. The second thing is we want to make sure we break down the campaigns into smaller ad groups. For the various services that you offer. I talked about this earlier, but really breaking down all the keywords specific to drains all of the specific keywords around indoor air quality, all the keywords specific to whatever this particular grouping of keywords is, that’s why we call it an ad group. So we want to break it down, we should have more than one or two campaigns. The other thing that’s really important is make sure that we’ve got the right match types in place, and that we’ve negated certain terms, I’m going to share with you guys some of the important keywords that need to be negated. But you can you can feel like you’ve got a perfect campaign. What if you didn’t negate certain things, let’s let’s just say careers, or if you didn’t indicate auto, all of a sudden, someone typed in auto AC repair, and you’re absolutely not interested in fixing somebody’s car air conditioning, you just paid for a click, and probably lots of clicks that got to your site that didn’t convert obviously, because your your HVC company, not an auto mechanic. little nuances like that can make a big difference. And you know, you probably have several 100 if not 1000 keywords, you want to negate from your campaign to prevent you from kid clicking on keywords that have no relevance, even though it seems like it should be should be obvious. Next thing is you want to really make sure that you’ve written good text ads.


the fact is, when someone searches on Google, they’re gonna see an ad, the copy and how persuasive that copyist can make a big difference in your click through rate in your you know, in your quality score and the overall result of the campaign. We want to leverage our ad extensions to take up as much space as possible in the search result. And then we like we really want to think through the landing page, like, what is the experience after somebody clicks on your ad and lands on the site? We don’t want to have them on your whole site with all of the coupons and all the testimonies. We want a very specific single point of decision, which is like okay, what do I need to do, this is who they are, this is what they do. Give me the call to action, right? The landing pages can make a big difference. I’ll show some examples. And then you have to constantly be split testing, fine tuning. And you can split test a variety of things. You can split text, your text ads, like the message that comes up for each ad group. You can split test your landing pages, you can split test your offers. Really where we get to mastery on this is that we work with hundreds of plumbing and HVC company companies we spend hundreds of 1000s of dollars a month in Google ads. We look Very closely at the metrics. And so we’re able to split test faster and make better decisions and figures out like actually what works best in each of these different areas. And that’s why we’re able to get such great results and such a great return on investment through Google ads. So these are the things you want to do to really refine your your process. And I would say, again, out of all of the things I said here, like you should not be spending a penny. In Google ads, if you or whoever it is, it’s running for you doesn’t have the conversion tracking in place, it’s almost like guaranteed that you’re going to be wasting money.


I’m going to give you a list of things to double check, either with your current provider or with your internal team, to make sure that you’ve got these types of leaky buckets


stop wasting money, if you don’t have conversion tracking in place. And that’s not call tracking, there’s a big difference, it’s being able to track which keyword in which campaign actually converted to a lead, so that you can optimize around that particular campaign. So specific things you want to put in place to make this work. First, you want to have dynamic number swapping in place, the only way you can do conversion tracking is if dynamic number swapping is in place. So what that means is, yes, it’s kind of easy to split the traffic from organic to pay per click. So somebody Google searches you and clicks in the organic like result, they can see one number that’s like an SEO number. That’s how we track that. The other would be if they clicked on a paid listing. And this is not that hard to set up. The technology exists. They click on a paid listing. Now they’re seeing a pay per click tracking number, right, that’s the basic level of tracking need to know how much came from organic, how much came from pay per click, how much came from people going directly to your website. But the second portion of that to really do conversion tracking, is you need to have a keyword pool, which means when they click on your pay per click listing, they’re going to see one of six different numbers or one to four different numbers that come up. And the reason that’s important is because we can timestamp, all right, they typed in that keyword from that AdWords campaign, they clicked on the site, and it was this number that was presented. And we can see that number have gotten dialed not with our own eyes. But through automation. You want to have that kind of keyword pool set up so that you can really identify which keywords and which campaigns are actually generating leads and sales, the only way to do it at this point is to have that set up. So you want to make sure you’ve got you’ve got specific tracking in place, tracking your web forms as well. And then the conversion tracking built in where it actually passes that information back to your Google Ads campaign.

So that

Google ads can start to also track through the system, what’s converting and what’s not this, I’m not trying to get too deep into the weeds, but it’s important that you or whoever’s running this for you is thinking at this level, so they can truly optimize your campaigns and really get things dialed in. So the most important metrics, we talked about some of the KPIs you want to be looking at, and it’s for me, it’s not impressions, and it’s not, you know, 1000s of eyeballs on it. To me, it’s how much do we spend? How, what’s our average cost per click? What’s your average cost per lead? And and the barometer we’re looking for within plumbing, usually it’s between 35 and $55 per lead. That’s it, that’s a good number starts to get above that maybe in markets like Phoenix, like Los Angeles, but you want to be optimizing either the keywords or the areas, or the the text ads and the quality score to try and get it into that range. If you’re in that range, you’re probably doing pretty well if you’re significantly lower than that. Kudos, right, maybe you’ve got a really strong brand presence and your brand is helping to bring that average, down within hbic. We’d like to see within the 55 to $80 per range with an electric between 15 and 30. And then, of course, the last metric, and probably the most important metric is return on investment. Right? How much should I spend? How many leads did I get? What’s my average cost per lead? Is it within within my safe barometer level? And then what’s my return on investment? If I spend $1? How many dollars do I get in return in terms of gross revenue? Is it helpful to see some of these KPIs, you can track a million metrics, but if you know these four, you can, you can have a pretty decent handle on how things are going. Just give me a one in the chat if it’s helpful to see this.


Perfect, thanks, guys. So here’s an example. This is a company we work with in East Lansing, Michigan, the meridian company, you can see here 4000 ad spend 137 leads generated average cost per lead of $33.69. And we can look at other things that are important like impression loss due to budget, which is, if we spent more how many people were searching in our service area that we could have tapped into this tells us how much more we could spend in our service area to generate a better result, what’s our average click to call ratio for every visitor that gets to the site? How good is our landing page that performance will tell us, you know, if it’s less than 20%, we need to improve our landing page. If it’s greater than 20%. That’s, that’s fantastic, should be doing really well. You know, if that’s the case, you hear in this case, it’s 41%. And what we like to do like to take tracking down to the next level is ring to a specific number in service Titan. For those of you that use service, I just put s t in chat if you’re a service Titan user on because this is this is pretty cool. to really know the return on investment, we’re not using a hypothetical ROI. But it’s a true here’s how much we spent here, somebody booked jobs were tracked in service Titan, lots of you guys using service Titan, and how much revenue was generated. This is what we do is we ring to a specific number in service. And so we can see here organically, they had 100 leads, they booked 95 of them 44 of them turn into book jobs, which was $70,000 in tracked revenue. And over here on the on the PPC side 58 leads 50 book jobs 17 sales $24,000 in revenue. To me, this is the next level we all want to get to where we can see not just how much do we think we sold, but how much actually sold from the specific campaigns. So let’s talk about how to structure it, how do we actually set this up? Again, we want to break them into smaller ad groups. These are the ad groups I think most most Plumbing Companies want to put in place you want to brand campaign. So that’s when they’re looking for your company name. And don’t sleep on the brand campaigns, somebody is looking for your company name, yes, you’re gonna come up ideally in maps and organic and probably with other listings. But if your name is like Bill’s plumbing, and you’re not bidding on that, anybody with an ad group ad AdWords or Google Ads campaign where they’re just bidding on the term plumbing, even broad match is going to show up above you because they’re going to show up in the ads. So you want to make sure you’re bidding on your actual company name, it’s going to be lower cost per click than the other keywords you have. And you just want to own when they’re looking for you specifically, you want to make sure you own for that. You want a general campaign which would be no just the general plumber, plumbing, plumbing services, plumber near me type of things. Um, drain cleaning, which you can board break into hydrojetting rudos, router services, water heaters, we can get Water Heater Repair, that’s one look water heater replacement, that’s they’re actually looking to swap the thing out. tankless water heaters are looking for that particular type of water heater is probably more of a replacement search. So repair trenchless, I’m going to send these slides after I don’t want to, you know, go into the weeds. But like, these are the campaigns for each of the services that you provide, you want to make sure you’ve got a smart campaign set up with a separate set of keywords, a separate text ad and a specifically thought through landing page. You know, this is the secret sauce to really getting great results with Google ads and that scalable ROI that I’m talking about. Down here at the bottom, I’ve got something that I think is pretty important as well. And that’s called competitor campaign or competition campaign. And what this is, is bidding on your competitors names, right? There’s nothing in Google’s terms or services that would prevent you from doing this. And let’s face it, if they’re searching for your competitor, Tom Jones plumbing or Tom Jones hpac, they’re in the market. And a lot of times, if your competitors not already bidding on that term, you can show up above them, you can get the click, I find quality scores lower in a competitor campaign, the average conversion rate is lower. Right. Do not attempt a competitor campaign unless you’ve specifically trained your team someone’s going to be calling in for other companies. And you need to know how to flip the script on that. Right. You need to be able to say, oh, you’re calling for Tom Jones plumbing and be able to turn that into, hey, we’re a plumbing company based in this area provide great service. You know, are you looking for someone that can serve you, you know, get out to you today? Right? And they probably say yes. And then you can convert that what I see oftentimes,


agencies run a competitor campaign, they’re bidding on all the comp competitors, whether they’re strategically picking them or they’re just because their broad match showing up for competition. And if we listen to the recordings, every single competitor call Hey, I’m calling for roto rooter. The person on the line says you’ve got the wrong company. Click right and that’s dollars just going down the sink. So you want to be paying attention to this, if you’re going to go after it, sit down with each of the people on your team that are answering the phone, and roleplay. What happens when they ask for some other company? What do we say? How do we strategically move that at least to an opportunity to potentially dispatch our services? Give me a why in comments if that’s helpful, like if you’re just realizing that’s a thing, and that you can optimize for. And actually, you can get a great return on investment through strategic competitor campaigns. But if you don’t have the team ready for it, you will lose a lot of clicks, a lot of calls and a lot of traction. Awesome. So those are the campaigns. I’ll get you guys these after the fact if anybody wants them, I’m happy to share the campaign structure. So this is how it looks in Google ads, right? You’d have brand campaigns to campaign within plumbing, let’s just say you’d have commercial Drain Cleaning, emergency services, all the services that you provide. And then within that, you’d have all of the different key words. So within Drain Cleaning, you want all the different like Drain Cleaning, drain repair, unclog drain, drain, clean drain services, drain, repairs, unclog, etc. Right? So you’d have all of those different keywords specific to it.

And then you’d have at least

two variations of your tech stats that speak to that particular search. So number one, Drain Cleaning Services call, you know, our company name today, your trusted area plumber, you know, for all your drain cleaning needs. Are you want to have different text ads. And if anybody’s paying attention, why to why not just one? Why? Why would we want to have two ads running at any given period of time. Let’s see if anybody, anybody still with me 40 minutes into a Google Ads training for plumbing HVC companies. So Amelia says we can optimize. Lisa says you can take HubSpot one and two. So unfortunately, only one is going to show up in the search results for it. But the reason we run to is so we can split test. So if that ad comes up 19 times, or 20 times, and one of them gets 10 clicks, it’s got a 50% click through rate. And let’s say the other one shows up 20 times, but it’s only got two clicks. So it’s got a 10% click through rate, that’s going to impact your number of leads, first of all, but it’s also going to really impact your quality score. And so what we want to do every month or every couple of weeks, be looking at those ads, figuring out which one performs best and swapping it out. This is an old like direct response marketing that’s called you create a control and you split test against the control. So there’s always something being replaced out. It’s all something beats to control. And then you put that in place and you’re all that goes away. If you do it to ads on a consistent basis, you can really start to figure out which copy for each one of your ad groups is going to convert better. And that’s how you get much better quality score much lower cost per click, and ultimately more leads from the same amount of spend. So that’s how we set up it. And those are some of the plumbing ad groups with an hv AC. Obviously, it’s different. If you do plumbing nhbc, then it’s different than that. But within hbse, again, you’re still going to want to run the brand campaign, you’re going to want to think about the H back campaign. But you want an AC repair and AC replacement, heating repair furnace repair, indoor air quality, the various different types of indoor air quality systems that you might sell on your digital thermostats, you can be very specific in these aggregates. And, you know, understanding the different keyword types matter, I was gonna go into this, but I don’t think we need to go there. You know, there’s broad match modified broad match, phrase match and exact match. Um, you want to paint you want to make sure that whoever runs your campaign understands these different types, because if they just put in plumber, you’re going to be showing up for all tonic keywords that may not be very relevant to what you’re what you’re looking for. And we want to make sure that we’ve included the the appropriate negatives like jobs careers car Association. I’ve looked at a couple campaigns where they were spending a lot of money, like we’re talking about 1000s of dollars in their ads campaign on the national plumber Association, or plumber Association. There’s like Association isn’t what they are, they’re looking for the home service, or you know, auto and it was like very specific to that we actually have about 976 keywords in our negative campaign that helps us prevent our clients from having wasted spend unnecessary, unnecessary clicks. From there, we do want to make sure we write compelling text ads. So less is more than have to be super long. Tell them exactly Actually, what you want them to do, once they get on the web, they’re like, click the thing, get a discount service today, if you have a special offer that you can reference in the, in the ad itself, you know, $69, drink clean, special or save $20 for new customers, that type of thing that we found that can impact our click through rates, and give them one call to action, let’s not ask them to to do do much, don’t put them on the landing page, put them on a specific page with a linear, here’s what you’re going to do next. Here’s how you do it. So some of our best performing text ads on sewer installation done right $200 off coupon same day service. Right speak specifically to what they’re looking for, has a special incentive for them to take action. And it says same day service. One of the things we find almost everybody wants with plumbing HVC Home Services, is same day service reliability. And so not all of us can do that, right? And some of us are scheduled out, you know, days weeks in advance. But if you do have the bandwidth, and you can say well answer today, we can get someone out there today that stands out on the page, and it converts extremely well. Top Rated Water Heater Install, call now on time guaranteed, top rated AC installation 20 $500 off screen, this does really well.

And we do want to make sure we use what we call ad extensions that make the make the ads take up more more space. Again, I’m trying to shy away from being too too


But there’s things you can do that that will add a phone number that will add your call to actions like upfront pricing, 24 hour service, same day service, your address that just make your ad more more relevant and stand out on the page. We do that within ads going into call extensions and different extensions like that. Senior discounts $50 off. If you’ve never been in AdWords, a lot of this stuff is Chinese. So I understand most of you don’t intend to go do this. But I want to give you enough to to understand it so that you can say okay, am I doing that with my current setup, or is that something we should be doing? Are we dropping the ball here, but you can see, here’s an example of company OKC just taking up a little bit of space. But in our case, we’re taking up a lot more space, because we’ve got all the ad extensions in place, you just want to make sure your ads taking up a lot of space. We want to make sure that we’ve got the the landing page dialed in. So So when someone gets there, it’s real clear phone number in the top right hand corner, speaking specifically to what they’re going to do, and an offer that’s congruent with what they typed in. So if you’re looking for emergency service, we want the emergency service page to come up and some type of incentive. If if they’re looking for something else, we want it to be relevant to that. So finding problems nip it with nipped in the bud with bloods plumbing, oops, click off. Okay, I’ll just show you an example. As I said, I would show a couple examples of these. This format, I’ll just show you, once plumbing as an example, one of the clients we work with, has a cool site, and is a cool site, they’ve got a lot of a lot of technicians request service up in the top right hand corner, right chat option. You know, there’s a lot of a lot of professionalism on this site. And we were like, well, we should just drive traffic to the site, because it’s such a good site, right? The reality is you’re giving them too many things that can confuse them, they could, you know, go down here and go to one of these pages, they can, you know, go and try and read some testimonials, they can easily get taken off their single track of decision. When we’re running paid ads. And we’re paying for that click, we want to take them down one specific point of failure, which would be a page like this, that has the special offers the option to schedule a phone number, the top right hand corner, not nearly as fancy but converts extremely well, because we’re giving them this one point of decision. Give me a one if that makes sense to kind of the distinction between having a specific page that’s speaking to the service versus taking into the website, even if you’ve got a banking website. Right. Okay, good. That made sense. Good. I’m glad that I didn’t even remember that I was going to pull up that that actual example there. But I think that helped to draw, draw that that comparison draw that correlation.

So again, you know, just I’ve showed you a lot of this stuff, but we have to have conversion tracking in place. We need to break our campaigns down into that smaller structure, different ad groups for the different services with different keywords, different landing pages, different text ads. We want to make sure that you have a strong understanding of the different keyword match types leverage really good text ads that were split testing versus the others. User our ad extensions really make sure we stand out Make sure that the landing page is built to convert at the highest level possible. Any takeaways? Let’s see, I see David wrote, I always thought that having these options on your website is what keeps them on the website. Yeah. So to buy, reality is confused, mine doesn’t buy, right. And so from an organic SEO perspective, we want to drive traffic to the site and give them all of the different pages and all of the different information. If they’re clicking on on a paid ad, and we just paid 17 bucks for that particular click there, they’re just trying to solve a problem usually relatively quickly. And so we want to take them to one page, the answers the key information gives them the phone number, it gives them a specific call to action with some type of incentive to take action. So good question. They I’m glad you brought that up. And I’m glad that I’m glad that it made sense. So again, showing a specific examples, I want to I want to be as specific as possible. So we’re thinking about Drain Cleaning, right? This is a an ad group specifically for Drain Cleaning here. We’ve got Drain Cleaning, drain repair on clogged drain Drain Cleaning Service, right, we’ve got the ad written specifically for drains, and then we land them on a page that says expert Drain Cleaning and hydrojetting, right with the phone number and the and the key details, special offer that’s congruent to that. Here’s an example 3000 an ad spend 165 leads directly from paid search, average cost per lead of $20 per lead. And it’ll this same in every market. But you know, these types of metrics are absolutely possible. So 128 leads at a 40% conversion rate is 51 book jobs, average ticket a 550, which I know this company is higher than this, but just for illustrative purposes. $28,000 is a seven time return on investment. So that’s what they’re really that’s what we’re after in terms of being able to track this down.

So just

I know, I went quickly, and I covered a lot of things, give me a one, if this was helpful, like you feel a little bit clearer on how to optimize your campaigns, what you could do different to generate better results, even without becoming a ninja and doing this yourself.

Good. So that that

was accomplished. Very good. I know a lot of you guys, a lot of you guys have providers that do this for you, right, you’re not running the campaign yourself, you probably don’t have somebody in your house dedicated to doing it. And so here’s some questions that every time I run this webinar, literally every time for the last six years, somebody will say can you give me a list of the questions that I can ask my current provider to see if they’re doing this? Or what if they’re not. And so I put together a list. Again, I’ll share this with you guys afterwards. But you want to ask, these are the things you want to ask how much the budgets going to Google Ads versus management fees. This is really important. Because a lot of times they’ll say you’re gonna pay us five grand a month, don’t worry about how much went to Google Don’t worry about how much went to SEO, and to us just, it’s five grand. And the reality is, if you don’t know how much actually went to your ad spend, and you can’t see, okay, how much should I spend on the ad itself? How many leads did I generate from that particular mechanism? There’s no way you can judge whether that’s working well or not? There’s no way you can say yes, let’s ratchet that up, or let’s ratchet it back. So you really need to make sure that you know, how much is being spent on my ads campaign? And how much is going to the company like us to actually manage it or the individual to manage it. You want to ask what kind of tracking is in place? Do they have Google Ads tracking and webform? tracking? Right, so that they can really optimize back through the conversion?

You want to ask what the key performance indicators are that they’re using? What are they looking at? Are they looking at the average cost per lead? Are they looking at a projected ROI? Are they just looking at the average cost per click? Because that’s one of the worst metrics to drive decision making in terms of how you’re going to generate a return on investment. You also want to ask her, you’re going to get a dashboard, right? That you can easily see, like I was showing you before, how should I spend how many leads I generate? What’s my average cost per lead? How much money should I have made? Right? Are they going are they providing you with some type of dashboard. So the key metrics, you want to make sure that they’re going to provide that they they’re looking at average cost per lead is the main one. And I’m surprised I’m like blown away how many plumbing HVC home service companies are spending five to $20,000 in monthly investment in their online marketing and they can’t tell me what their average cost per lead is broken down by SEO or pay per click or local service ads. They just they’re not sure because they don’t have the data broken down in that way. I think it’s really important like you need to know That information, you want to find out if you’re going to be setting up specific landing pages for each of the ad groups, you want to ask like, what ad groups? are you setting up for me? And then ask how these pages are being optimized? Are they looking at what the conversion rate is from visitor to call? Are they making tweaks based on that? Or are they just set it and forget it? drive traffic? Hope for the best? You know, as long as you’re paying your bill, that’s all that really matters? Are they split testing? The text ads? Like I would ask, Can I see the text ads? Are you split testing these? Do these get changed every now and then? Or is it just kind of like you wrote a text ad one day and left it up there for forever? Ever? Amen. And then, are you leveraging the text, the ad extensions to make the ads stand out? And then what are the targets? Do they have a target? They’re shooting for an average average cost per lead and return on investment? Like? Are they even looking at that? Most times they aren’t. So they’re like, wow, we’re just generating calls, I don’t know how much the calls cost you. Would you agree that

you need to

know what your average cost per lead is a big difference between a $10 cost per lead and a $90 cost per lead right at $10 cost per lead for plumbing? Let’s do it as much as we can, right? Let’s keep those going at $90 per lead, what’s wrong, right? I’m spending almost as much money as we’re generating in terms of profit, we can continue to believe like that, right? So if they don’t know that number, and you don’t know that number, then money is just going to be spent. And it’s just a guessing game. At that point. That’s exactly what we don’t want with our with our marketing. So these are the questions that we want to ask, Joey’s asking how much for lead flow session, our lead flow session is free. So if you want us to look at your campaign, look at how it’s structured, look at your landing pages, and show you Hey, look, this is where it could be better. This is how much it would cost for us to do it. Christian just put in there, go to plumber, SEO dotnet slash schedule complimentary. If it makes sense, we’d love to do business with you. If it doesn’t, that’s fine, too. We only work with one company in each market. So you know, if you’re in Orlando, or if you’re in, you know, Cincinnati and one of these markets, we get clients in most markets, we might not be able to do anything with you right now. But absolutely, if you’re interested, we’d love the opportunity to chat. So I think what makes our campaigns different and better. And kind of why we get the results that we do is that we do split campaigns in those strategic ad groups, because we understand plumbing hv in home services like this is literally all we do. We work with plumbing and HVC companies, we spend hundreds of $1,000 a month in Google ads, we’ve been doing it for greater than 10 years. And so we know the information, we’re constantly improving. We’re constantly refining, we set up conversion optimized landing pages. And we had to learn that over time, we had to figure out what format worked best and what headlines and what conversion elements drove the best results. We set up through conversion optimization, so that you were able to see which keyword from which ad campaign generated the lead. And we optimize around that. So you when you work with us, you’ll know exactly what came from SEO, what came for pay per click, you’ll be able to listen to those calls, you’ll know which ad campaign actually drove the calls and at what cost. And that again, it’s what makes it possible for us to generate really, really consistent, high level results for our campaigns. We rotate the text ads for each of the different campaigns that we’re running. So we’re constantly refining the text ads, we provide you with a dashboard that I’ve showed you a couple times throughout the course of this session, when you can see down to the down to the AdWords campaign, how much did we spend? What’s your average cost per lead? What’s our return on investment? If you use service Titan, we will work with you to integrate this with your service Titan. So you can see, you know, what went through service Titan was tracked this specific line, how much revenue was actually generated versus the cost you have true point in time return on investment tracking, and we’re completely transparent. So by that, I mean, you pay a specific fee to us to manage and to do what we do. And then what we put toward ads, whether it’s Facebook or Google ads, or whatever other ads we might be spending, those dollars are spent directly from your your account to that organization like Google, and you know exactly where your dollars went. There’s no guesswork, there’s no, I hope they spent my money wisely. They put it somewhere somewhere in place. So this is what our what our dashboard looks like. You see how much you spent. You see how many leads you generate. You see what your average cost per lead is. This is more of the aggregate because again, I don’t think Pay Per Click is the only play. You want a strategy that you know you have a great website that’s built to convert that’s ranking for the most important keywords. you’re generating paid traffic, you’re generating retargeting, you’re tapping into local service ads, and you can really talk dominate your local market. And that’s that’s really what we’re all about. That’s what we do here at plumbing and echeck. Seo.


hopefully this has been helpful whether we wind up talking business or whether we wind up doing something together or not, hopefully you walk away with some good ideas and some good insights on what you should look at from your landing pages and your ads campaigns and your current provider. But if as you’re looking at a show, like, these guys seem to know what they’re doing, I love the opportunity to talk with you guys to review your campaign, if you’d like help, if you didn’t, that’s just your way of saying, Hey, you know what, this was useful. I’d like to have you guys review my stuff. Um, you know, just put, let’s talk in the comments, or go to plumber SEO dotnet slash schedule, you’ll get access to our calendar, you can pick a time that works for you. And I will tell you, we do some work. on our end, we’re going to run a keyword list, we’re going to run a ranking report, we’re going to look at your website, we’re going to look at the key metrics to be able to tell you, here’s what’s good, here’s what’s bad. Here’s where there’s room for improvement. So that’s it. If you want to have us do that for you. You can just go to plumber SEO dotnet slash schedule. Oops, or click the link here in chat. And I’ll be sure to get these slides out to everybody, because there’s lots of specifics in here. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Give me some feedback. Give me a give me a one in chat. If this was useful if you feel like this was a good use of your time, and you got some takeaways that you’re going to be able to implement. Awesome. I appreciate that. Thank you guys for your time. I said I will try and keep this to about an hour. So we’re at the hour mark. Thank you guys so much. I look forward to talking with many of you and have an amazing rest of your day. Joey Thanks for reading the book. I really appreciate it. I’m glad you I’m glad you enjoyed it. Awesome. Thanks, guys.

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