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The Six Tips for Writing Compelling Pay-Per-Click Google AdWords Copy - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

Besides your landing page, your ads are the most important part of your marketing strategy. Here's what you need to do to make them become a real customer magnet.

There are several challenges that you might face when creating your pay-per-click ads. 

To recall, the ad you create is the first thing that a person sees at the top of their search results. It's something that's supposed to help them decide whether to click on your link. 

This means that bidding to show up on the first page of Google search isn't enough. Your ad also needs to be compelling enough to make your potential customers want to visit your website. 

However, there will be other ads and organic results on the page. So, how can you make your copy stand out?

You'll need to understand how to write powerful ad copy within the confines of Google Ad Words. And this article will provide you with six tips on how to do just that.

The Six Tips for Writing Google AdWords Copy That Converts

Tip #1. Remember That Less is More

For your copy, you don't need a dissertation on why your service is the best choice. It's much better to focus on explaining to the customer what you want them to do in as few words as possible.

Your ad’s message needs to be clear but brief to help the customer make up their mind. And a great way to achieve this result with fewer words is to offer some type of incentive to click. 

Tip #2. Give Them One Decision to Make

Don't explain all 15 of your services that are currently available. You should also refrain from asking the customer to do 10 different things. 

Aim to give them a single decision that they need to make. 

Tip #3. Enter the Customer's Mind

To help you understand what this tip means, here's an ideal example of a good ad copy:

Sewer repairs done right. $200 off. Same day service.

Now, this is an effective ad because it tells the customer everything that they're already thinking. This ties into the subject of getting inside your customer's mind because it entails understanding their fears, apprehensions, and wishes. 

It's crucial to think about how you can infuse what your potential customers are feeling into your copy. You can say many things to this end - on-time service, upfront pricing, satisfaction guaranteed, trustworthy technicians, and so on. 

The thing to keep in mind is that your customers want several things: They want you to show up on time and deal with the problem they're having. And they also want to know that you're reliable. 

In fact, one of the biggest fears customers have is that the technician won't show up. People will often carve the time from their jobs to sit at home and wait for the service, so it's terrible if the service doesn't come. 

And that's one of the fears you should address in your copy.

Tip #4. Leverage Your Call Out Extensions

Things like site links, call extensions, and local extensions can take you from having a small, one-line ad with one call to action to having multiple lines. When you leverage those extensions, you'll boost your click-through rate significantly, which means more people will go through your website. 

But the benefits don't end there. 

You'll also get a better relevancy score that will tell Google that they should serve more of your ad at a lower cost because the customers are getting what they want out of it. 

So, you should look at your ad and see if it's taking up two lines or more space. You can use many different kinds of columns and extensions, such as call extensions. In fact, you can bake your unique selling proposition into your extensions for the best possible result. 

Tip #5. Test Your Copy

It's always crucial to test your copy to see if everything functions the way you intended. And most of the time, you'll have to tweak and adjust the copy before it starts producing results, especially because what works and what doesn't will depend on your particular scenario. 

Testing is quite important if you decide to use location extensions, as those can be a double-edged sword. 

For example, if you're trying to target Cincinnati and you're based in Mason, which is about 20 miles outside the main area, that can actually be a turnoff and hurt your conversion rate. 

Details like this can be overlooked initially and end up doing you a disservice. That's why you'll need to thoroughly test out every decision when it comes to your ad copy to find out if it's yielding the results you want. 

Tip #6. Make Sure the Ad Sends Prospects to a Relevant and Well-Created Landing Page

The main mission of your landing page is to convert leads. And if your ads are done perfectly but send customers to a poorly designed page, the entire effort could be in vain. 

To avoid confusion, we're talking about your landing page, not your homepage. 

The landing page should speak the exact keywords that match your ad copy. It’s because your customers want to see that connection and recognize what they're reading on the page. 

Once you've ensured that your landing page matches the ad - or the other way around - make a compelling offer on that page that makes it easy for the customer to take action.

Start Using Ads to Your Advantage

Once you get your Google AdWords copy in perfect condition, you'll likely start to notice some significant changes. In particular, your marketing campaign will start producing better results and attracting more customers and leads. 

Although they're often a small piece of text, ads are positively essential to your marketing and, by extension, the success of your business. Get your copy right and you'll see the benefits soon.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

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