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Keep Your PPC Campaigns Strong and Successful By Using ConversionAMP - Plumbing & HVAC SEO

PPC campaigns are an important tool for any plumbing or HVAC business’s marketing strategy. But how can you take things a step further for even better results?

One goal that HVAC and plumbing businesses aim for is to generate more website traffic that can turn into leads. And eventually, these leads get converted to clients, which means more sales.

For this reason, a long-term Search Engine Optimization strategy is essential to get more traffic for your website. After all, this is a practice that’s been proven to deliver the best results for any business’s digital marketing efforts. 

But, what happens if your current SEO strategy doesn’t get you the volume of website traffic that you need? Or what if you’re getting results with your SEO strategy, but you want even more visitors?

Well, there’s another way you can get more website traffic if your SEO isn’t cutting it:

Using Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.

It might seem costly at first compared to SEO, but PPC is an important tool for HVAC and plumbing businesses. That’s because it’s effective at working with their target markets.

Think about it.

Your customers will often use Google to find businesses like yours. That’s why it makes perfect sense to run ads on them.

Now, if you’ve already been using PPC, then you’re probably familiar with just how powerful it is. But, you’re also most likely aware of how challenging it can be—especially when it comes to tracking information. 

When you run PPC ads, it’s essential to keep tabs on all the data and conversions that they get. The problem with this, however, is that tracking information is a difficult and time-consuming task.

Fortunately, ConversionAMP can help you manage your PPC campaigns a lot easier. Discover how you can do that in this article.

How ConversionAMP Ensures Successful PPC Campaigns

  • Google AdWords Integration
  • Home service businesses often find it hard to use extra tools for their PPC campaigns. It’s because many of the tools they need don’t integrate with Google Adwords.

    This not only makes it difficult to keep track of data but also poses a risk of having numbers mixed up. And this can be a huge problem in the long run because it makes decision-making so much harder. 

    But you won’t have this kind of problem when you use ConversionAMP. That’s because it’s a tool that’s directly integrated with the Google AdWords platform. 

    It may not seem like much now, but this advantage makes it easier for you to see your marketing campaigns and other details. This, in turn, makes it a whole lot easier to track the performance of your ads. 

    And that isn’t the only advantage you can look forward to.

    ConversionAMP also has a reporting tool that you can use to monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns. And because it’s integrated with Google AdWords, all the information you’ll see is relayed in real-time.

  • Call Tracking
  • No matter how successful a PPC campaign may be, you can’t consider it profitable until calls are tracked. This is especially true in this industry because most customers book appointments via phone call.

    Tracking calls is vital for PPC campaigns because it shows valuable insight into the customers you’re getting. And you can make this task easier with ConversionAMP since it has a call tracking function.

    By keeping tabs on every call, you’ll be able to:

    • Know whether a lead is new, returning, or unclosed

    • Determine the particular pipeline or sales funnel you’ll need to put a certain lead through

    • Identify which keywords you’re targeting are bringing the highest revenue from your ad spend. 

    With ConversionAMP’s call tracking function, you’ll also see everything you need to know about your campaigns and calls. This feature works by figuring out which sources of your PPC campaign are bringing in the most leads and which ones aren’t. 

    ConversionAMP’s call tracking feature also provides answers to questions about your PPC campaigns, such as: 

    • What campaigns should I stop running?
    • Where do I divert my extra ad spend to?
    • How many of my leads are coming from my website?
    • What should I focus on for my next campaigns?
  • Simplified Workflows
  • In a regular PPC campaign system setup, you’ll often need four or five different to use. The problem with this is that it makes it a lot harder to track data. And it also makes you waste time, which would have been better spent doing more important tasks. 

    With ConversionAMP, however, you’re not going to get this problem because it has all the tools and features you’ll need in one place. 

    But why does this matter?

    When you have all the tools needed to run and track a successful PPC campaign in one place, it becomes easier to: 

    • Manage campaigns
    • Track the results of PPC ads
    • Make more profitable and effective decisions for current and future campaigns.
  • Accurate Lead Tracking
  • If you want to steer your PPC campaign towards success, then it’s crucial to track your leads. Doing so allows you to gauge how well your campaigns are doing. And once you have an objective idea of your campaign’s performance, it becomes easier to make a profit. 

    The problem, however, is most plumbing & HVAC business owners don’t have the means to track leads as deeply as they should.

    But you don’t have to be one of them if you’re going to use ConversionAMP.

    With our system, anyone can check leads down to the keyword level thanks to its accurate lead tracking feature. This makes it easier to see which search terms generate the most returns or opportunities, allowing you to make better decisions.

    And it doesn’t stop there.

    You can also use ConversionAMP’s lead tracking function to discover potential keyword choices. This will allow you to effectively tweak both your business’s PPC and organic SEO campaigns to gain more profit.

    Add PPC Campaigns to the Mix

    PPC campaigns are an important part of any plumbing or HVAC company’s lead generation strategy. And when you manage them properly, they become even bigger success magnets than they already are.

    With a tool like ConversionAMP, you’ll have a much easier time steering your PPC campaigns in the right direction.If you'd like to discuss how you can generate better results online let's schedule a time to chat.

    You can pick a time that works for you now by going to

    Get a Free Internet Marketing Strategy Evaluation

    If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy and show you where you are ranking, where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever and finally get your Internet marketing right, then click below to schedule your Leadflow Acceleration Session now.


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