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Web Directions Leaders 2018

Session Details

The Web Platform today, and tomorrow

Marcos Caceres Platform Engineer Mozilla

Lurking underneath our CSS and HTML, our JavaScript, underneath our React and Angular, is a powerful, often poor understood platformโ€“the browser. Its APIs give developers access to device capabilities, security features (like cryptography and authentication), and much more than developers generally realise.

In this session, Marcos Caceres, a platform engineer at Mozilla, with many years experience working on standardising the Web platform will give us a sense of what's possible now, and what's fast approaching.

Marcos Caceres

Marcos is a Staff Engineer on Mozilla's DOM Team, where he leads the standardization of many underlying W3C specifications on which the modern Web is built (e.g., Web Manifest, Web Payments, etc.). Marcos also co-Chairs the W3C's Web Incubator Community Group, which is the community hub for new innovative web standards.

Don't miss your chance to see Marcos Caceres and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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