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Web Directions Remixed

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Container Queries & The Future of CSS

Miriam Suzanne Co-founder Oddbird

Over the last decade Object-Oriented & Responsive design have become the norm – with tools like Flexbox, Grid, intrinsic sizing, and aspect-ratio giving us even more layout control. CSS has always been designed for a responsive web, but that goalpost can shift over time. Now several new CSS proposals like Container Queries, Cascade Layers, Scoped Styles, and Nesting are all aimed at improving the way we write responsive components and design systems.

Miriam Suzanne

Miriam is an author, artist, and UX engineer. She's spent nearly 20 years learning, teaching, collaborating, and building web software as a co-founder of OddBird; Invited Expert with the W3C CSS Working Group; staff writer for CSS Tricks; and member of the Sass core team.

Don't miss your chance to see Miriam Suzanne and many other inspiring speakers at Remixed '22.

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