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Web Directions Safe

Session Details

Hardened JavaScript

Kris Kowal Software Engineer Agoric

Running other people's code is dangerous and some people will even tell you that you shouldn't do it. I'm here to tell you that actually, you can run other people's code safely. The solution is hardened JavaScript.

Kris Kowal

Kris Kowal guided the CommonJS module system from design to adoption, most notably by Node.js, and created the popular Q JavaScript promise library out of which emerged modern JavaScript promises. Kris built RPC infrastructure at Uber for five years. On nights and weekends, Kris is a Middle-earth cartographer, Elvish calligrapher, OpenMoji contributor, interactive fiction creator, cellular automaton curator, and a hiking camper.

Don't miss your chance to see Kris Kowal and many other inspiring speakers at Safe '21.

Tickets start at $195.

Register Now


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