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The Plumbing Dr | Falls Church, VA

Byron Nettrour

on Google






9 hours ago

11/15/2021, 04:52 AM

The Plumbing Dr has a good business model. It is good for the company and fair for the customer. Dr. Charlie arrived and asked for any symptoms prior to the loss of hot water. He analyzed the input and diagnosed the problem. He pulled out his tablet, explained what was wrong and provided options and costs for each. After I decided what was to be done, he estimated the time required to do the works and went to his truck to get the required repair parts. The repair was made within the estimated time and the work area was kept clean throughout the entire repair process. If I ever have the chance to make a recommendation on what plumber someone should use, The Plumbing Dr will definitely be my response. Thank you Dr Charlie and The plumbing Dr


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