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Web Directions AAA

Session Details

SpeakingNaturally on Dragons and other alternative navigations

Kate Kalcevich Head of Services Fable

Accessibility talks typically focus on understanding standards and code, but there’s something that’s more important to understand before you even start thinking about WCAG or ARIA. It’s assistive technology.

What types are there and how do they work? We’ll dive into the lesser know alternative navigation tools like Dragon NaturallySpeaking, switch systems and on screen keyboards. Once you know more about assistive technology you can better understand the impact of following or not following WCAG and you can test that your accessible code actually makes sense.

Kate Kalcevich

Kate Kalcevich is the Head of Services at Fable, a leading accessibility testing platform powered by people with disabilities. Kate is an experienced accessibility leader and disability advocate with an extensive career. She most recently led digital accessibility efforts at Canada Post. Previously, Kate held a series of progressively senior roles in the Ontario public service, including in product, user experience, and design roles. In recent years, she has focused on change management to increase the accessibility capabilities of organizations.

Don't miss your chance to see Kate Kalcevich and many other inspiring speakers at AAA.

Tickets start at $195.

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