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Intro to Cross Screen Reader Testing

Weston Thayer Founder Assistiv Labs

There’s a wide variety of screen readers available today β€” NVDA, JAWS, VoiceOver, Narrator, and TalkBack to name a few. Much like web browsers, each has its own strengths, weaknesses, and unique quirks.

In this talk, we’ll dive into why testing with screen readers is important, the major differences between them, and strategies you can use to prioritize and debug screen reader issues that surface in your accessibility work.

Weston Thayer

Weston is currently working on new accessibility tools at Assistiv Labs. Previously he was at Microsoft working on the Windows 10 design system and common controls. He's worked as a developer, designer, and many things in-between.

Based just outside of Portland, OR, you also can find him in web-a11y Slack and tweeting @WestonThayer5.

Don't miss your chance to see Weston Thayer and many other inspiring speakers at AAA.

Tickets start at $195.

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