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Web Directions AAA

Session Details

Overlays Underwhelm

Adrian Roselli Consultant

Accessibility overlays bring promises of accessible sites in one line of code, but experiences from users tell us the opposite. We will look at the guarantees, the marketing efforts, the code efforts, and lived experiences of users.

Adrian Roselli

Adrian has written articles for trade journals, web sites, and participated as an author and editor on five books. In 1998 he co-founded a software development consulting firm before leaving at the start of 2016. He was a member of the W3C Web Platform Working Group, W3C ARIA Working Group, and W3C Accessibility Task Force. Some may recognize Adrian from his days helping to run, one of the first communities for web developers. Adrian has been developing for the Web since 1993.

Don't miss your chance to see Adrian Roselli and many other inspiring speakers at AAA.

Tickets start at $195.

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