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Web Directions Product 2019

Session Details

Support-Driven Growth: Build your business on customer service

Mat Patterson Customer Service Evangelist Help Scout

Delivering a great product is not enough to grow a sustainable business. You need to attract, retain and grow your customers every day. Help Scout’s Mat Patterson explains how adopting a support-driven growth model can turn your customer support team from a clean up crew into a revenue generating, customer-insight generator.

Mat Patterson

Help Scout build beautiful customer service software that our customers use to grow their businesses. My role is to help those customers provide high quality, repeatable and remarkable service to their customers, and to be an advocate for customer service teams.

A typical week includes writing articles on customer service, working alongside our own support team, speaking to our customers and being active in the larger customer service community.

Don't miss your chance to see Mat Patterson and many other inspiring speakers at Product 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product professionals.

Register Now


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