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Web Directions Code '21

Session Details

Desktop PWAs. About time.

Diego González Program Manager Microsoft Edge

It’s 2021. Long gone are the times where a PWA was only a shortcut in a user’s home screen. PWAs play nicely with desktop environments. It’s about time. The presentation goes through cutting edge features and APIs that allow a PWA to integrate seamlessly with a desktop OS. To demo this, we go through a purpose built PWA that utilizes existing and experimental features that can provide a delightful UX, all powered by the web platform.

Diego González

Born in Costa Rica, did part of his school in Canada. Graduated as a computer engineer. Finished a master degree in information systems. Did multimedia studies in Spain. Eventually finished a PhD in informatics researching 3D UIs. 3D UIs led to VR. VR led to Samsung. Samsung led to web. Web led to Dev Rel. Dev Rel led to PM.

Currently a PM for PWA platform features on the Microsoft Edge team. Also learning about standards. Fan of kittens, puppies and gadgets throughout.

Don't miss your chance to see Diego González and many other inspiring speakers at Code.

Tickets start at $195.

Register Now


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