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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

Intl we meet again

Gilmore Davidson Senior Developer InnoWell

A truly global application will need to support many different languages and cultures. Translating static text is the primary concern, but what about more dynamic content? There are numerous formatting differences around the world for dates, numbers, currencies, and more β€” even between cultures using the same base language.

Translating this dynamic content on the web has traditionally involved specialised libraries with reams of formatting data, all of which needs to be loaded over the network. But today’s browsers are providing ever more in-built formatting options via the Intl.* APIs. This talk will give you an overview of what they do, and how you can support a wide array of locales without adding Yet Another Library to your stack.

Gilmore Davidson

By day, Gilmore is a web developer, often complaining that most of our tools tend to merely rearrange complexity instead of reducing it. By night, he folds origami and tries to do things that don’t involve computers. When that inevitably fails, he makes ridiculous web projects such as Emoji Censor and yakstack.

He is equally comfortable with HTML and CSS as he is with JS, but is definitively uncomfortable with writing in the third person.

Don't miss your chance to see Gilmore Davidson and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading web professionals.

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