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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

Getting up to speed with Web Performance in 2019

Patrick Meenan Software Engineer Facebook

Not too long ago, improving web site performance was a relatively straightforward task. A bit of gzipping here, some concatenation there, judicious use of image compression, and hey presto, faster sites.

But as the complexity of what we build has increased significantly, the number and size of the assets we deliver has exploded, our job in ensuring highly performant sites and applications is increasingly complex.

So who better to help us navigate the most recent developments in web performance than the creator of WebPageTest, Patrick Meenan. In this session, Patrick will explore different ways to measure the "user experience", what the newer metrics like Time To Interactive mean and how best to detect and analyze performance issues.

Patrick Meenan

Patrick has been working on web performance in one form or another for the last 20 years and is currently working on web performance at Facebook. Prior to that he worked at Cloudflare and Google to make Chrome and the web faster. Patrick created the popular open source WebPageTest web performance measurement tool and runs the free instance of it at

Don't miss your chance to see Patrick Meenan and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading web professionals.

Register Now


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