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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

Igniting growth in product teams

Peter Ikladious Director, Growth IBM

Product teams in enterprises are focused on growth now more than ever, yet much of what we hear about growth is geared towards startups. Enterprises face unique challenges that require product teams to think differently in order to achieve growth at scale.

Peter Ikladious, Director of Growth, will share how he is able to drive growth at one of the world’s largest enterprise companies. In this session, you’ll learn how IBM uses data, design within product to ignite and ultimately sustain growth.

Peter Ikladious

Product teams in enterprises are focused on growth now more than ever, yet much of what we hear about growth is geared towards startups. Enterprises face unique challenges that require product teams to think differently in order to achieve growth at scale.

Peter Ikladious, Director of Growth, will share how he is able to drive growth at one of the world’s largest enterprise companies. In this session, you’ll learn how IBM uses data, design within product to ignite and ultimately sustain growth.

Don't miss your chance to see Peter Ikladious and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading web professionals.

Register Now


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