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Web Directions Summit 2018

Session Details

My voice is my passport. Verify me?

Ben Dechrai Technical Evangelist Auth0

Security is hard. Using the same password for everything is easy.

Over the years, we've made it easier for users to do ths right thing, from email-based verification to one-time passwords via email and security tokens. But nearly all these solutions require you to have your mobile phone, or security device with you. And if you're overseas, you might have additional problems.

Let's look at mechanisms for biometric authentication with web applications. There are a few out here, and this talk will help you understand the options and implementation, together with a live demo.

Biometric security? Because you rarely leave your face and voice at home!

Ben Dechrai

Ben Dechrai is a technologist with a staunch focus on security and privacy. This started at the age of 11, when he wrote software to stop his mum from breaking the family PC, and resulted in his working as a developer advocate for Auth0. He enjoys helping developers find the joy of experimentation, from ethical skulduggery to subversive automation, and can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @bendechrai.

Don't miss your chance to see Ben Dechrai and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit 19.

Tickets start at $1195, for two in-depth days with the world's leading web professionals.

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