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Web Directions Code '21

Session Details

The 2021 edition of dealing with files on the Web

Thomas Steiner Developer Relations Engineer Google

The file input element and the download attribute on anchor elements used to be the primary way for working with files on the Web. Not anymore! In this presentation, I will show modern ways of dealing with files in the browser and how they integrate with the clipboard, drag and drop, and your operating system's file explorer. You will also learn that not all files are created equal! This will be a pre-recorded "live"-coding session, so expect no slides, no coding glitches; just pure edutainment!

Thomas Steiner

Developer Relations Engineer at Google, focused on the Web and Project Fugu. Dad-of-3. Alum of University of Lyon (Postdoc), Polytechnic University of Barcelona (PhD), and University of Karlsruhe (MA). Blogs at and tweets as @tomayac.

Don't miss your chance to see Thomas Steiner and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.

Tickets start at $145.

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