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Web Directions Code '21 session spotlight–Safety, Justice, Compassion: Shifting the Tech Paradigm - Web Directions

Web Directions Code ’21 session spotlight–Safety, Justice, Compassion: Shifting the Tech Paradigm

28th July, 2021


Eva PenzeyMoog, Principal Designer, Author 8th Light, Design for Safety

What do we really mean when we talk about “ethics” in tech? What are we actually aiming for, and what specifically can we all do to get there? It’s not enough to point out existing issues with racist, sexist tech, products that are easily weaponized for abuse, or harmful tech workplaces – we need intentional strategies for creating a tech industry that is truly ethical.

This talk breaks down the call for “ethical tech” into the need for both our tech industry and the products we create to be focused on safety, justice, and compassion. This talk focuses on how we can transform tech in terms of the industry and the products it makes to prioritize those things, drawing on historical case studies of other movements that shifted paradigms from unethical to ethical.

About Eva PenzeyMoog

Eva PenzeyMoog is a principal designer at 8th Light and the author of Design for Safety. Before joining the tech field she worked in the non-profit space and volunteered as a domestic violence educator and rape crisis counselor. At 8th Light she specializes in user experience design as well as education and consulting in the realm of digital safety design. Her work brings together her expertise in domestic violence and technology, helping technologists understand how their creations facilitate interpersonal harm and how to prevent it through intentionally prioritizing the most vulnerable users.

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