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Web Directions Global Scope

Session Details

The Third Age of JavaScript

Shawn Swyx Wang Head of Developer Experience

The way we write JavaScript is poised for dramatic change in the 2020's. Here's why: the slow death of IE11 and rollout of ES Modules will converge toward a new generation of JavaScript tooling. These tools are faster, typesafer, and polyglot, leading to both a better developer and user experience. Change is afoot!

Shawn Swyx Wang

swyx has worked on React and serverless JavaScript at Two Sigma, Netlify and AWS, and now serves as Head of Developer Experience at He has started and run communities for hundreds of thousands of developers, like Svelte Society, /r/reactjs, and the React TypeScript Cheatsheet. His nontechnical writing was recently published in the Coding Career Handbook for Junior to Senior developers.

Don't miss your chance to see Shawn Swyx Wang and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.

Tickets start at $145.

Register Now


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