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2021 April

April 29, 2021

The Care and Feeding of a Website

Did you know that a proper promotional website on Google is really considered as a living, breathing and functioning digital creation that requires daily attention to make it more search engine compatible?

When you build a website, the four major elements to consdier are:


Metatag Descritpion



These four elements must be firmly locked into place for a site to stand even a remote chance of being seen on a high traffic keyword area.

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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April 27, 2021

Search Engine Optimization Services Now Seen on Pandora!

Big Update Today

Pandora, the well known and resprected streaming audio service has accepted the podcast series from Butch Hamilton titled Search Engine Optimization Services.  This is a big day as the people on Pandora now have the ability to capture all of the fine SEO podcasts being created and listen to them on their favorite services.

This is the goal of the websites being created by Butch Hamilton.  To always provide the best place for good information about search engine optimziation to be found and used by anyone interested in doing so.

To find the new Pandora link, please go to:  The new podcast series on Pandora witll be located at the top of that website.

Thanks to all listeners for your support, likes, shares, comments and subscriptions to all of my SEO podcasts.

Butch Hamilton

info [@]

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April 26, 2021

Website Innovations

Website Innovations

Before we go into the details about website innovations, let us first go back in time just a bit and talk a little about domains and hosting.  I have bought many domians and used domain and hosting companies, too many to count.  Godaddy, network solutions, bluehost and others whom I cannot even remember their names.  I have purchased domains and hosting over the years to gain new ground on Google for either my own search engine optimization business, or for clients.  Some of the hosting companies have been quite good, others like Godaddy, fall very short in the pursuit of offering good hosting for money spent.  This has all led to one conclusion.

Google Domains

Now, you may or may not be familiar with Google Domains.  Actually, up until the last few months, I had never purchased domains and hosting from them.  I was with Godaddy, and they fell very short of offering me what I needed in regards to domains and hosting.  their service was costly, unresponsive, and quite frankly, their customer support was awful.  I will never ever darken Godaddy domains and hosting services again.  But back to Google Domains.

I purchased my first Goodle domain just a few months ago.  I had no real idea what to expect.  I purchased the domain and forwarded it to a blog.  Honelstly, I have always loved blogs.  They offer everythiing needed in the way of promoting tools and the templates are just great and very easy to use and even to manipulate the html code a bit.  I like blogs as opposed to Wordpress blogs because they do not over promote themselves.  Wordpress is notorious for self promotion in each and every page of the blog, even if you have purchased the templates!  I did a research project on Wordpress and found thousands of links hidden from view that promoted them NOT you!

The main issue with was the inability to rewrite the metatag and keywords for maximum benefit on the search engines.  I thought this not possible and was one of the main drawbacks to the service, I thought!  I discovered a rare gem of wisdom that change my entire opinion of forever!

And now, to the podcast!

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

info [@]

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April 21, 2021

Comment Marketing

Did You Know?

There is a power that you have this day, this moment to take control of your Internet presence on Google in a positive and forward thinking mode:?  Did you know that it cost nothing to accomplish this strategy?  Do you have any idea, really, what is available to you at this moment in time?  Taking search engine optimization to a new level.

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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April 17, 2021

Content Marketing

What is content marketing?  Any time that you publish live content on the web such as to blogs, forums, podcasts, videos, images or anywhere else that publishes content, this can be termed content marketing.  The quality of the content that you produce, NOT the quantity, is the deciding factor as to whether your Internet project is a success or not.

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April 15, 2021

New Website Additions to

I have been busy the last few weeks adding different podcast formats to

Some of the new services are Google Podcasts, Podbean, iHeart Radio, TuneIn and Spotify.  I will be adding additional services over time as well.  I think that the new additions add some definite positive attributes to the site for thoes seeking to listen to my search engine optimization podcasts.

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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April 15, 2021

Podcast Newsletter

Subscribe today and receive alerts each time I create a new podcast!  If you want to keep updated with my podcasts about seo, search engine optimization, content marketing, blogging, vlogging, digital marketing, podcasting, videos and images, then by all means, subscribe today!

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Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

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April 13, 2021

Butch Hamilton Videos

Welcome to Butch Hamilton Videos! is dedicated to the advertising, promotion and marketing of Search Engine Optimization Services by Butch Hamilton The aged domain name of had its first beginnings on the world wide web in 2007.  In those days on the www, the domain hosted much information about MLM and network marketing and getting top positions on keywords and phrases chosen for marketing those businesses.  It was highly successful in that venture.

Today, the domain name will once again be used for the advancement of the SEO services provided by Butch Hamilton.

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April 11, 2021

This Podcast is Rated PG!

Last evening, I decided to download the Podbean App on my iphone.  I clicked something and was met with the worst, foul, ghetto trash language and ridiculous conversations that I personally had ever heard before.  I believe people, if you can call them that, should be responsible when using Podbean to host their podcast as it really is a super service.  People like this, give all of us who podcast a bad name.  I trust that my podcast will reach many listeners today as I believe that we all have a choice on how to conduct ourselves both online and offline.

The information that is provided by Butch Hamilton will always be rated PG!!!

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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April 10, 2021

SEO Talks

Live Events on YouTube about Search Engine Optimization!

I am planning to host live events on YouTube talking about various aspects of search engine optimization.  Please understand one thing about me.  I am passionate about SEO as it has been my livelihood for many years, but more than that.  It is my path, or my destiny that I have known for many years.  For some reason, I was always an author.  Even from an early age, I knew how to write good information on the topics I chose.  Little did I know that my path would lead me to the search engine optimization field in 2003.

Learn more about this @

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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