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RSS Feeds

May 4, 2021

Antiquated?  Outdated?  No longer used?  Hardly!  Successful search engine optimization campaigns rely on content to become successful on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo and all of the other major search engines.  Using RSS feeds on a website simply means offering changing content to the search engine spiders which can be trained to hover over a site waiting for a change in the content.  Being masterful with the use of RSS feeds will mean increased website ranking over the months and years because of the quality of content found within the website.

Feedburner is an excellent RSS feed aggregator where you can burn a feed for your website using exceptional Google tools.  Simply go to to learn how to use the RSS feed system to create your own great RSS feeds.

Butch Hamilton - SEO Master

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