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Web Directions Code Leaders 2019

Session Details

From Tech Lead to Motherhood: one woman's journey from changing systems to changing nappies, and back again

Sarah Taraporewalla Principal Consultant ThoughtWorks


Our industry undeniably suffers from a lack of gender balance amongst hands-on technologists. Even fewer of those technologists are mothers. Sadly, many women believe that you can’t remain technical once you become a mother. But there are small changes that we as leaders can make to support our team members as they transition back into the workforce.

In this talk, Sarah will share with you her experience, including the challenges she faced, of returning to a senior technical role after starting a family. You will hear the changes she made within her company to make it easier for others to see how to return and stay technical, and the benefits to her company of having her and others like her able to return to work.

Sarah hopes her experience will provide some inspiration and practical advice to share with your software engineers and tech leads who are contemplating motherhood, and for leaders who are committed to supporting diversity in their workplace.


Sarah Taraporewalla

Sarah Taraporewalla is a Principal Consultant working for ThoughtWorks, where she specializes in developing robust software for the future, delivered today.

She has acted as developer, software architect, technical lead and agile coach on many projects. She has spoken at both internal and external conferences, skills matter courses and geek nights. Although primarily focused on software design, she also has a lot to say about how software can be developed to accommodate the changing pace of business and how people should be treated within teams.

Don't miss your chance to see Sarah Taraporewalla and many other inspiring speakers at Code Leaders '19.

Tickets start at $695, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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