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Web Directions Summit

Session Details

Meta Programming in JavaScript

Mehdi Valikhani Senior Software Engineer AutoPilot HQ

Meta whaaat?! Wikipedia defines it as "a programming technique in which computer programs have the ability to treat programs as their data", but I define meta programming as a way to highly customise built-in features of a programming language.

Long a staple of programming languages like Lisp, in this session, Mehdi will introduce the key concepts of metaprogramming with a particular focus on how it's done in JavaScript.

Mehdi Valikhani

As software engineer, Mehdi has been involved in the design & development of multiple large-scale web and mobile software platforms.

His primary focus is on the design, development and deployment of horizontally scalable and highly distributed applications using JavaScript (Node.js), MongoDB and AWS on top of a microservices architecture.

Don't miss your chance to see Mehdi Valikhani and many other inspiring speakers at Web Directions Summit.

Tickets start at $999, for two in-depth days with the world's leading product, design and engineering experts.

Register Now


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