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Web Directions Code Leaders 2019

Session Details

Building up your juniors

Inga Pflaumer System Analyst SMG

Looking to grow your team? Considering hiring more juniors? Amazing idea, but how to grow them, set them up for success and what are the potential mistakes on your and their part that you need to watch out for?

In this talk Inga Pflaumer will share her experience working with junior team on building a product using Node.js and React, talk about some of their triumphs and failures.

Inga Pflaumer

Inga Pflaumer is an Indie game developer, devops and systems analyst at SMG Studio. She's the organiser of Women In Game Development Sydney meetup group, Sydney Unity GameDev meetup group and Get That Game Done group.

Don't miss your chance to see Inga Pflaumer and many other inspiring speakers at Code Leaders '19.

Tickets start at $695, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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