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Web Directions Lazy Load '21 session spotlight–Building a Performance Culture - Web Directions

Web Directions Lazy Load ’21 session spotlight–Building a Performance Culture

15th April, 2021


Building a Performance Culture

Claire Tran, Software Engineering Manager, Director SafetyCulture, Women Who Code Sydney

A great user experience often ties into the performance of an application. The user’s first impression of the site they are visiting can be a make or break scenario, and if the performance is slow that can have an impact on the growth of a business.

Behind the scenes, there are teams working on an application, performance is sometimes an afterthought and becomes a focus later on.

In this talk, I will cover what performance culture looks like, how this starts and some ways to communicate the value of performance, as well as ways to drive engagement.

About Claire Tran

Claire is an Engineering Manager at SafetyCulture, where she’s working on IoT and Analytics, as well as web performance initiatives. She has experience with scalable systems and performance from her time at Fairfax and Gumtree/eBay. She is also Director for Women Who Code Sydney and has started a podcast called Women Techcast.

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