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Web Directions Code Leaders 2019

Session Details

The Myth of the Senior Engineer

Cath Jones People Operations BuildKite

It's not uncommon for teams to need to bring on additional talent to achieve tight deadlines and drive growth. Often these roles are advertised as "Senior Engineers", and the skills list the ability to "hit the ground running", "get in and get stuff done" or "start shipping features from day one." However is this a realistic expectation or, are we setting our new employees up for failure?

In this presentation, Cath Jones will discuss the expectations placed on new technical hires with a focus on senior roles. She will guide you in examining the complexities of information that needs to be provided to an employee before they can contribute meaningfully to your organisation, and demonstrate how scalable on-boarding practices will allow your organisation to achieve greater productivity and engagement from new hires.

Cath Jones

Cath currently works as People Operations Manager at Buildkite part-time whilst completing a double degree in Commerce and Gender Studies at Macquarie University. As a former software engineer herself, she has a unique insight into inclusive management strategies for engineering and product teams.

Don't miss your chance to see Cath Jones and many other inspiring speakers at Code Leaders '19.

Tickets start at $695, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

Register Now


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